English dictionary

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English noun: change

1. change (event) an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another

SamplesThe change was intended to increase sales.
This storm is certainly a change for the worse.
The neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago.

Synonymsalteration, modification

Broader (hypernym)happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent

Narrower (hyponym)acceleration, avulsion, birth, break, breakup, chromosomal mutation, conversion, damage, death, decease, deceleration, decrease, deformation, destabilization, detachment, development, drop-off, easing, expiry, fluctuation, genetic mutation, harm, impairment, increase, lessening, loss of consciousness, moderation, mutation, mutation, nascence, nascency, nativity, play, relief, retardation, revolution, scintillation, separation, sex change, shift, shimmer, slowing, sparkling, sublimation, surprise, transformation, transition, transmutation, transmutation, twinkle, vagary, variation

2. change a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event

SamplesHe attributed the change to their marriage.

Broader (hypernym)relation

Narrower (hyponym)difference, gradient

3. change (act) the action of changing something

SamplesThe change of government had no impact on the economy.
His change on abortion cost him the election.

Broader (hypernym)action

Narrower (hyponym)about-face, adjustment, adulteration, alteration, change of direction, change of integrity, change of magnitude, change of shape, change of state, communisation, communization, commutation, conversion, decimalisation, decimalization, demotion, diversification, downshift, downshift, entail, exchange, filtration, flux, metrication, metrification, modification, motility, motion, motion, move, move, move, movement, movement, movement, nationalisation, nationalization, policy change, promotion, reduction, relocation, reorientation, reversal, rollover, satisfaction, secularisation, secularization, shift, simplification, substitution, switch, switching, turning, updating, variation, variegation, volte-face

4. change (phenomenon) the result of alteration or modification

SamplesThere were marked changes in the lining of the lungs.
There had been no change in the mountains.

Broader (hypernym)consequence, effect, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot

Narrower (hyponym)depolarisation, depolarization

5. change (possession) the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due

SamplesI paid with a twenty and pocketed the change.

Broader (hypernym)cash, hard cash, hard currency

6. change (artifact) a thing that is different

SamplesHe inspected several changes before selecting one.

Broader (hypernym)thing

7. change (artifact) a different or fresh set of clothes

SamplesShe brought a change in her overnight bag.

Broader (hypernym)article of clothing, clothing, habiliment, vesture, wear, wearable

8. change (possession) coins of small denomination regarded collectively

SamplesHe had a pocketful of change.

Broader (hypernym)coin

9. change (possession) money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency

SamplesHe got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver.

Broader (hypernym)cash, hard cash, hard currency

10. change (attribute) a difference that is usually pleasant

SamplesHe goes to France for variety.
It is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic.


Broader (hypernym)difference

English verb: change

1. change (change) cause to change; make different; cause a transformation

SamplesThe advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city.
The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue.

ExamplesThey change their earnings this year

Synonymsalter, modify

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody.
Something ----s somebody.
Something ----s something

Narrower (hyponym)accelerate, accustom, acerbate, acetylate, acetylise, acetylize, achromatise, achromatize, activate, activate, activate, activate, add, adjust, adorn, aerate, affect, affect, age, aggravate, alchemise, alchemize, alcoholise, alcoholize, alien, alienate, alkalinise, alkalinize, allegorise, allegorize, alter, amalgamate, ameliorate, amend, Americanise, Americanize, angulate, animalise, animalize, animate, animise, animize, antiquate, antiquate, antique, archaise, archaize, arouse, arterialise, arterialize, ash, assimilate, automate, automatise, automatise, automatize, automatize, awaken, barb, barbarise, barbarize, bear on, bear upon, beautify, bedim, beef up, begrime, bemire, bestialise, bestialize, bestow, better, blear, blind, blister, blot out, blunt, blunt, blunt, blur, blur, blur, boil, bolshevise, bolshevize, break, break down, break up, brighten, bring, bring, bring, brutalise, brutalize, bubble, calcify, camp, capture, cause to sleep, centralise, centralize, change intensity, change over, change over, change taste, charge, charge, chasten, chasten, check, chill, chord, circularize, civilise, civilize, clarify, classicise, classicize, clean, clear, clear, clot, cloud, coagulate, coarsen, coarsen, cohere, collimate, colly, color, color in, colorise, colorize, colour, colour in, colourise, colourize, commercialise, commercialize, commix, communise, communize, commute, compensate, complicate, complicate, concentrate, concentrate, condense, confuse, constitutionalise, constitutionalize, contaminate, contract, contribute, conventionalise, conventionalize, convert, convert, convert, convert, cook, cool, cool down, correct, correct, corrupt, counterchange, crack, crush, cry, customise, customize, cut, damage, darken, de-emphasise, de-emphasize, deactivate, deaden, deaden, deaminate, deaminize, debase, debauch, decarboxylate, decelerate, decentralise, decentralize, decimalise, decimalize, deconcentrate, decorate, decrease, decrepitate, deflate, defog, deform, degauss, dehydrogenate, delay, demagnetise, demagnetize, demist, democratise, democratize, demonise, demonize, demoralise, demoralize, demulsify, demythologise, demythologize, denationalise, denationalize, denaturalise, denaturalise, denaturalize, denaturalize, denature, denature, denature, deodorise, deodorize, deodourise, depersonalise, depersonalize, depolarise, depolarize, deprave, depress, desensitise, desensitise, desensitize, desensitize, destabilise, destabilize, destress, detransitivise, detransitivize, devalue, develop, develop, devilise, devilize, diabolise, diabolize, digitalise, digitalize, digitise, digitize, dinge, dirty, disable, disaffect, disarray, discolor, disenable, disharmonize, disintegrate, dismiss, disorder, disqualify, dissimilate, dissolve, dissolve, dissonate, disturb, diversify, dizzy, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, dope, draw, drop, dry, dry out, dull, dull, dynamise, dynamise, dynamize, dynamize, ease off, ease up, edit, edit, edit out, effeminise, effeminize, elaborate, elevate, embellish, embrittle, empty, emulsify, enable, end, energise, energize, envenom, equal, equalise, equalize, equate, eroticize, estrange, eternalise, eternalize, eternise, eternize, etherealize, etherialise, etiolate, etiolate, Europeanise, Europeanise, Europeanize, Europeanize, evaporate, even, even out, exacerbate, exasperate, exchange, exchange, excite, excite, expand, extend, exteriorise, exteriorize, externalise, externalize, fasten, fat, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, fecundate, fecundate, feminise, feminize, fertilise, fertilise, fertilize, fertilize, fill, fill out, fill up, fix, flatten, flesh out, flocculate, form, fortify, fortify, freeze, Frenchify, freshen, full, gear up, gelatinise, gelatinize, get, glamorise, glamorize, glamourise, glamourize, glorify, glorify, grace, grime, habituate, harmonise, harmonize, harshen, heat, heat up, hide, hue, humanise, humanize, humble, hydrogenate, immaterialise, immaterialize, immortalise, immortalize, impact, impart, improve, inactivate, incandesce, incapacitate, increase, indispose, indispose, individualise, individualize, industrialise, industrialize, inflate, inform, inseminate, inspissate, insulate, intensify, interchange, interchange, internationalise, internationalize, intransitivise, intransitivize, introvert, invalidate, invert, invert, iodinate, ionate, Islamise, Islamize, isomerise, isomerize, lace, laicise, laicize, land, legitimate, lend, lessen, let up, liberalise, liberalize, lifehack, lift, lighten, lighten up, liquefy, liquidise, liquidize, liquify, loose, loosen, loosen, loosen, loosen, louden, lower, lubricate, magnetise, magnetize, make, make, make, make clean, make full, make grow, mark, market, masculinise, masculinize, masculinize, match, mature, mechanise, mechanise, mechanize, mechanize, meliorate, merge, militarise, militarise, militarize, militarize, mince, mingle, minify, misdirect, mix, moderate, moderate, moderate, morph, muddy, mythicise, mythicize, mythologise, mythologize, nationalise, nationalise, nationalize, nationalize, naturalise, naturalise, naturalize, naturalize, nazify, neutralise, neutralize, neutralize, nick, normalise, normalize, obfuscate, objectify, objectify, obliterate, obnubilate, obscure, obscure, obscure, occidentalise, occidentalize, officialise, officialize, opacify, opalise, opalize, opsonize, orientalise, orientalize, ornament, ossify, outmode, overcloud, overturn, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, oxygenise, oxygenize, paganise, paganize, pall, parallel, patent, perplex, personalise, personalize, pervert, piggyback, plasticise, plasticize, plump, plump out, poison, polarise, polarize, politicise, politicize, port, prepare, pressurise, pressurize, profane, professionalise, professionalize, proof, prostrate, purge, purify, put, radicalize, raise, rarefy, rarefy, rarify, rationalise, rationalize, ready, reclaim, reclaim, recombine, recommend, reconstruct, reconstruct, rectify, redact, redo, redress, reestablish, refine, refine, reflate, reform, refresh, refreshen, regenerate, reinstate, relax, remodel, renormalise, renormalize, replace, restore, retard, reverse, revolutionise, revolutionize, right, right, ripen, romanticise, romanticize, round, round down, round off, round out, rouse, rusticate, sanctify, sanitise, sanitize, saponify, saturate, sauce, schematise, schematize, scramble, sensibilise, sensibilize, sensify, sensitise, sensitise, sensitise, sensitize, sensitize, sensitize, sentimentalise, sentimentalize, set, set, set, set aside, set up, sex up, sexualise, sexualize, shade, shake, shallow, shape, sharpen, sharpen, shift, shift, shoal, shorten, simplify, slenderise, slenderize, slow down, smut, sober, socialise, socialize, soften, soften, soil, solemnise, solemnize, solvate, speed, speed up, spice, spice up, spike, spiritualize, sputter, stabilise, stabilize, stain, steepen, stiffen, still, straighten, straighten out, strengthen, string, subdue, sublimate, substitute, subtilize, suburbanise, suburbanize, subvert, supercharge, supple, suspend, suspend, sweeten, switch, symmetrise, symmetrize, synchronise, synchronize, tame, tame, tame, temper, tender, tenderise, tenderize, tense, terminate, territorialise, territorialize, thicken, think, tighten, tone down, touch, touch, touch on, transaminate, transfigure, transform, transform, transform, transform, transform, transform, transitivise, transitivize, translate, transmute, transmute, transpose, transpose, transubstantiate, turn, turn back, uglify, unclutter, undo, unfit, uniformise, uniformize, unify, unify, unify, unite, unite, unsanctify, unscramble, unsex, unsubstantialise, unsubstantialize, untie, untune, urbanise, urbanise, urbanize, urbanize, validate, vaporise, variegate, vascularise, vascularize, veil, ventilate, verbify, vesiculate, virilise, virilize, visualise, visualize, vitalise, vitalize, vitiate, vitiate, vitrify, vivify, void, volatilise, volatilize, vulgarise, vulgarize, wake, wake up, waken, warm, weaken, weaponize, westernise, westernize, wet, widen, womanize, worsen


2. change (change) undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature

SamplesShe changed completely as she grew older.
The weather changed last night.

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s

Narrower (hyponym)acetylate, acetylise, acetylize, acquire, acquire, acquire, adapt, adjust, adopt, alkalinise, alkalinize, Americanise, Americanize, animalise, animalize, arrange, ascend, assibilate, assimilate, assume, barbarise, barbarize, become flat, boil, break, break, break, break, break down, break into, brutalise, brutalize, calcify, capacitate, carbonate, caseate, caseate, catch, catch on, cave in, change, change by reversal, change form, change integrity, change magnitude, change posture, change shape, change state, change surface, check, climb up, clinker, collapse, color, colour, come, come around, come in, come round, commute, complexify, concretise, concretize, conform, conjugate, conk out, contract, convert, convert, cool, cool down, cool off, crack, crack, crash, creolize, crumble, cure, damage, darken, dawn, deaden, decalcify, decarboxylate, decay, decay, decrepitate, deepen, defervesce, deform, democratise, democratize, deoxidise, deoxidize, depart, desalinate, desalinise, desalinize, desalt, destabilise, destabilize, develop, develop, develop, develop, die, die, digest, dilapidate, dim, discolor, discolor, discolour, dissimilate, dissimilate, distil, distill, divide, dress, drift, drop, dry, dry out, dull, dull, evaporate, evolve, experience, fail, fall, fall, fall for, fall in, felt, felt up, feminise, feminize, find, flip, flip out, flocculate, fly, fold, fold up, form, format, foul, founder, freshen, freshen up, frost over, gel, gelatinise, gelatinize, get, get, get dressed, give, give out, give way, give way, give way, glass, glass over, glaze, glaze over, go, go, go bad, go out, gradate, grow, grow, grow, grow, gum, harden, harden, have, hush, hydrate, hydrolyse, hydrolyze, ice over, ice up, incandesce, incur, indurate, indurate, indurate, industrialise, industrialize, introject, ionise, ionize, isomerise, isomerize, jump, keratinise, keratinize, leave, liberalise, liberalize, lighten, lighten up, loosen, make, mat, mat up, matt-up, matte, matte up, mature, mellow, mellow out, melt, metamorphose, mildew, modernise, modernize, modify, mold, move, move up, mutate, narrow, normalise, normalize, obsolesce, obtain, occult, opacify, oxidate, oxidate, oxidise, oxidise, oxidize, oxidize, pall, pall, part, pass, plasticise, plasticize, play out, prim, produce, professionalise, professionalize, promote, pull up stakes, purify, ramify, recede, receive, recombine, reduce, reflate, refresh, refreshen, regenerate, regress, rejuvenate, relax, reorient, repress, resume, reticulate, reverse, rise, rise, roll, roll up, run, salinate, saponify, separate, sequester, settle, shade, shallow, shear, shift, shift, shoal, smoothen, soften, solarise, solarize, spot, stabilise, stabilize, stagnate, steepen, stiffen, stratify, strengthen, sublimate, sublime, suburbanise, suburbanize, suffuse, superannuate, swing, synthesize, take, take on, take up, tighten, transaminate, transform, transmute, transpire, transpose, turn, turn, turn, turn on, ulcerate, undergo, undulate, vaporise, vascularise, vascularize, vesiculate, vitrify, vulcanise, vulcanize, warm, warm up, warm up, yield

Antonymsremain, stay, rest

3. change (change) become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence

SamplesHer mood changes in accordance with the weather.
The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season.

ExamplesThey change the countryside

Synonymsalter, vary

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s

Narrower (hyponym)accommodate, adapt, alternate, avianise, avianize, branch out, break, broaden, crackle, diversify, diversify, honeycomb, jump, let out, modulate, move, narrow, narrow down, radiate, specialise, specialize, take in, widen

4. change (change) lay aside, abandon, or leave for another

SamplesSwitch to a different brand of beer.
She switched psychiatrists.
The car changed lanes.

Synonymsshift, switch

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Narrower (hyponym)break, break, channel-surf, cut, diphthongise, diphthongize, jump, leap, shift, surf, transition

Verb groupchange, change, commute, convert, exchange

5. change (change) change clothes; put on different clothes

SamplesChange before you go to the opera.

ExamplesThey change

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s somebody.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)dress, get dressed

Verb groupchange, shift, switch

6. change (change) exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category

SamplesCould you convert my dollars into pounds?.
He changed his name.
Convert centimeters into inches.
Convert holdings into shares.

ExamplesThey change the money

Synonymscommute, convert, exchange

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)replace

Narrower (hyponym)break, capitalise, capitalize, launder, rectify, utilize

Verb groupchange, shift, switch

7. change (possession) give to, and receive from, one another

SamplesWould you change places with me?.
We have been exchanging letters for a year.

Synonymsexchange, interchange

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s something PP

Broader (hypernym)transfer

Narrower (hyponym)barter, cash, cash in, fill in, ransom, redeem, redeem, sell, stand in, sub, substitute, swap, switch, swop, trade, trade, trade in

8. change (motion) change from one vehicle or transportation line to another

SamplesShe changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast.

ExamplesThey change


Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s.
Something is ----ing PP.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)go, locomote, move, travel

9. change (change) become deeper in tone

SamplesHis voice began to change when he was 12 years old.
Her voice deepened when she whispered the password.


Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)change

10. change (change) remove or replace the coverings of

SamplesFather had to learn how to change the baby.
After each guest we changed the bed linens.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)replace

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