English dictionary

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English noun: modification

1. modification (act) the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)

Synonymsadjustment, alteration

Broader (hypernym)change

Narrower (hyponym)accommodation, adaptation, laxation, loosening, tightening, tune

2. modification (artifact) slightly modified copy; not an exact copy

SamplesA modification of last year's model.

Broader (hypernym)copy

3. modification the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase

Synonymslimiting, qualifying

Broader (hypernym)grammatical relation

Narrower (hyponym)apposition, restrictiveness

4. modification (event) an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another

SamplesThe change was intended to increase sales.
This storm is certainly a change for the worse.
The neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago.

Synonymsalteration, change

Broader (hypernym)happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent

Narrower (hyponym)acceleration, avulsion, birth, break, breakup, chromosomal mutation, conversion, damage, death, decease, deceleration, decrease, deformation, destabilization, detachment, development, drop-off, easing, expiry, fluctuation, genetic mutation, harm, impairment, increase, lessening, loss of consciousness, moderation, mutation, mutation, nascence, nascency, nativity, play, relief, retardation, revolution, scintillation, separation, sex change, shift, shimmer, slowing, sparkling, sublimation, surprise, transformation, transition, transmutation, transmutation, twinkle, vagary, variation

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