English dictionary

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English adjective: occult

1. occult hidden and difficult to see

SamplesAn occult fracture.
Occult blood in the stool.

Similarinvisible, unseeable

Antonymsseeable, visible

2. occult having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding

SamplesMysterious symbols.
The mystical style of Blake.
Occult lore.
The secret learning of the ancients.

Synonymsmysterious, mystic, mystical, orphic, secret



English noun: occult

1. occult (person) supernatural forces and events and beings collectively

SamplesShe doesn't believe in the supernatural.


Broader (hypernym)causal agency, causal agent, cause

Part holonymdestiny, fate, theurgy

Member holonymspiritual being, supernatural being

2. occult (act) supernatural practices and techniques

SamplesHe is a student of the occult.

Synonymsoccult arts

Broader (hypernym)pattern, practice

English verb: occult

1. occult (perception) cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention

SamplesThe Sun eclipses the moon today.
Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies.


Pattern of useSomething ----s something

Broader (hypernym)overshadow

2. occult (perception) become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished

SamplesThe beam of light occults every so often.

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)change

3. occult (perception) hide from view

SamplesThe lids were occulting her eyes.

Pattern of useSomething ----s something

Broader (hypernym)conceal, hold back, hold in

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