English dictionary

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English noun: soul

1. soul (person) the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life


Broader (hypernym)spirit

Narrower (hyponym)ghost

2. soul a human being

SamplesThere was too much for one person to do.

Synonymsindividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone

Broader (hypernym)being, causal agency, causal agent, cause, organism

Narrower (hyponym)abator, abjurer, abomination, aboriginal, aborigine, abstainer, abstinent, achiever, acquaintance, acquirer, active, actor, adjudicator, admirer, adoptee, adult, adventurer, adventurer, adversary, advisee, advocate, advocator, affiant, African, aggregator, agnostic, allayer, amateur, Amerindian, ancient, anomaly, antagonist, anti, anti-American, ape, aper, applicant, applied scientist, applier, appointee, appointment, appreciator, apprehender, apprehender, Aquarius, archaist, Archer, Aries, arrogator, assessee, assimilator, asthmatic, attempter, authority, autodidact, baby, baby boomer, baby buster, bad guy, bad person, Balance, baldhead, baldpate, baldy, balker, bather, battler, baulker, beard, bedfellow, beguiler, beholder, belligerent, bereaved, bereaved person, best, birth, biter, Black, Black person, blackamoor, blogger, blond, blonde, bluecoat, bodybuilder, bomber, boomer, brunet, brunette, Bull, bullfighter, buster, buster, Cancer, candidate, capitalist, Capricorn, captor, capturer, carrottop, case, case, cashier, Caucasian, celebrant, celebrater, celebrator, censor, chameleon, changer, charmer, child, chooser, chutzpanik, closer, cloud seeder, clumsy person, coddler, collector, color-blind person, combatant, comforter, common man, common person, commoner, communicator, compeer, complexifier, compulsive, computer user, contemplative, contestant, contestant, contriver, controller, controversialist, convert, copycat, counter, counterterrorist, coward, Crab, crawler, creator, creature, creditor, creeper, cripple, cross-dresser, dancer, dead person, dead soul, deaf person, debaser, debitor, debtor, deceased, deceased person, decedent, defecator, degrader, delayer, deliverer, demander, denizen, departed, deviser, dieter, differentiator, discriminator, disentangler, disputant, dissenter, dissident, divider, doer, domestic partner, doormat, double, doubter, dresser, dribbler, driveller, drooler, drug user, dupe, dweller, dyslectic, ectomorph, effecter, effector, ejector, Elizabethan, emotional person, emulator, endomorph, engineer, enjoyer, enrollee, entertainer, equal, eristic, essayer, ethnic, excuser, expectorator, experimenter, expert, explorer, exponent, extravert, extrovert, face, faddist, faller, fastener, female, female person, fiduciary, fighter, first-rater, Fish, fleer, follower, forerunner, forgiver, free agent, free spirit, freewheeler, friend, friend, fugitive, gainer, gainer, gambler, gatekeeper, gatherer, gay, gem, Gemini, gentile, Goat, good guy, good person, granter, greeter, grinner, groaner, grownup, grunter, guesser, guinea pig, habitant, handicapped person, hater, have, Hebrew, heterosexual, heterosexual person, homo, homophile, homosexual, homunculus, hope, hoper, huddler, hugger, image, imitator, immune, indigen, indigene, individualist, indweller, inexperienced person, inhabitant, innocent, insured, insured person, intellect, intellectual, interpreter, introvert, Israelite, Jat, Jew, jewel, jumper, junior, juvenile, juvenile person, killer, kink, kneeler, knocker, knower, ladino, large person, Latin, laugher, leader, learner, left-hander, lefty, Leo, Libra, life, lightning rod, linguist, Lion, literate, literate person, liver, longer, look-alike, loose cannon, loved one, lover, machine, mailer, maimer, malcontent, male, male person, man, man jack, mangler, manipulator, married, masturbator, match, measurer, mediocrity, mesomorph, mestizo, middlebrow, miracle man, miracle worker, misogamist, mixed-blood, modern, modifier, mollycoddler, money dealer, money handler, monolingual, mother hen, mouse, mover and shaker, muscle builder, muscle-builder, musclebuilder, muscleman, mutilator, namer, namesake, national, native, native, Native American, needer, neglecter, Negro, Negroid, neighbor, neighbour, neutral, noncompliant, nondescript, nondrinker, nonmember, nonparticipant, nonpartisan, nonpartizan, nonperson, nonreligious person, nonresident, nonsmoker, nonworker, nude, nude person, nurser, objector, observer, occultist, onanist, opener, opponent, opposer, optimist, orphan, ostrich, ouster, outcaste, outdoorsman, owner, pamperer, pansexual, pardoner, partner, party, passer, peer, perceiver, percher, percipient, person of color, person of colour, persona non grata, personage, personification, perspirer, philosopher, picker, Pisces, pisser, planner, player, polyglot, possessor, posturer, powderer, precursor, preserver, primitive, primitive person, proponent, propositus, prospect, protester, public relations person, pursuer, pussycat, quarter, quester, quitter, radical, Ram, realist, recoverer, rectifier, red-header, redhead, redheader, registrant, relation, relative, reliever, religious person, repeater, rescuer, resister, rester, restrainer, revenant, rich person, right hander, right-hander, righthander, riser, romanticist, romper, roundhead, ruler, runaway, rusher, Sagittarius, saluter, saver, scholar, scientist, Scorpio, Scorpion, scourge, scrag, scrapper, scratcher, searcher, second-rater, seeder, seeker, segregate, selector, self, sensualist, sentimentalist, sex object, sex symbol, shaker, shitter, showman, signatory, signer, significant other, simple, simpleton, six-footer, skidder, skin and bones, Slav, slave, slave, slayer, sleepyhead, slider, slipper, slobberer, sloucher, small person, smasher, smiler, smotherer, sneezer, sniffer, sniffler, sniveler, snuffer, snuffler, social dancer, socialiser, socializer, sort, sounding board, southpaw, sphinx, spitter, spoiler, sport, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent, sprawler, spurner, squint-eye, squinter, squirmer, stifler, stigmatic, stigmatist, stooper, straight, straight person, stranger, struggler, subject, subject, substance abuser, succeeder, success, supernumerary, surrenderer, survivalist, survivor, suspect, swayer, sweater, tagger, tagger, tapper, Taurus, technologist, tempter, termer, terror, testate, testator, thin person, third-rater, thirster, threat, thrower, tiger, topper, toreador, totemist, toucher, transexual, transfer, transferee, transsexual, transvestite, traveler, traveller, trier, turner, Twin, tyrant, undoer, unfastener, unfortunate, unfortunate person, unperson, unraveler, unraveller, unskilled person, untier, unusual person, unwelcome person, urinator, user, user, vanisher, venturer, victim, Victorian, Virgin, Virgo, visionary, visually impaired person, voider, waiter, waker, walk-in, wanter, ward, warrior, watcher, Water Bearer, weakling, wealthy person, weasel, weight gainer, welcomer, White, White person, wiggler, wight, winker, winner, withholder, witness, worker, worker, worldling, wriggler, wuss, yawner, yearner, yielder

Part holonymanatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, frame, human body, material body, personality, physical body, physique, shape, soma

Member meronympeople

3. soul (feeling) deep feeling or emotion


Broader (hypernym)feeling

4. soul (act) the human embodiment of something

SamplesThe soul of honor.

Broader (hypernym)embodiment

5. soul (communication) a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s

SamplesSoul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement.

Broader (hypernym)African-American music, black music, gospel, gospel singing

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