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English noun: creature

1. creature a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

Synonymsanimal, animate being, beast, brute, fauna

Broader (hypernym)being, organism

Narrower (hyponym)acrodont, adult, biped, captive, chordate, conceptus, creepy-crawly, critter, darter, domestic animal, domesticated animal, ectotherm, embryo, feeder, female, fertilized egg, fictional animal, game, giant, herbivore, hexapod, homeotherm, homoiotherm, homotherm, insectivore, invertebrate, larva, male, marine animal, marine creature, mate, metazoan, migrator, molter, moulter, mutant, offspring, omnivore, peeper, pest, pet, pleurodont, poikilotherm, predator, predatory animal, prey, pureblood, purebred, quarry, racer, range animal, scavenger, sea animal, sea creature, stayer, stunt, survivor, thoroughbred, varment, varmint, work animal, young, zooplankton

Part holonymcaput, face, head

Member meronymanimal kingdom, Animalia, kingdom Animalia

Substance holonymanimal tissue

Domain category membersactinomycete, adult, all-devouring, big, body, bone, bone-covered, crested, crop, debone, diet, domesticate, domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, drench, epizootic, flesh-eating, free-swimming, full-grown, fully grown, graze, gregarious, grown, grownup, half-blooded, half-bred, half-breed, hispid, humaneness, insectivorous, meat-eating, micro-organism, microorganism, nose, organic structure, pasture, physical structure, phytophagic, phytophagous, phytophilous, plant-eating, reclaim, registered, ritual killing, sacrifice, schistosome dermatitis, side, sitter, social, stander, swimmer's itch, tame, tame, topknotted, tracking, trailing, transmitter, trap, tufted, unattached, unregistered, vector, wart, zoophagous

2. creature (person) a human being; `wight' is an archaic term


Broader (hypernym)individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

3. creature (person) a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else

Synonymspuppet, tool

Broader (hypernym)slave

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