English dictionary

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English noun: success

1. success (event) an event that accomplishes its intended purpose

SamplesLet's call heads a success and tails a failure.
The election was a remarkable success for the Whigs.

Broader (hypernym)happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent

Narrower (hyponym)barnburner, bite, Godspeed, triumph, victory


2. success (act) an attainment that is successful

SamplesHis success in the marathon was unexpected.
His new play was a great success.

Broader (hypernym)attainment

Narrower (hyponym)bang, bell ringer, bull's eye, conquest, conquest, coup, flying colors, flying colours, hit, home run, mark, overturn, pass, passing, qualifying, score, seduction, smash, smasher, solution, strike, upset, winning

3. success (state) a state of prosperity or fame

SamplesHe is enjoying great success.
He does not consider wealth synonymous with success.

Broader (hypernym)prosperity, successfulness

Narrower (hyponym)big time, pay dirt

Attributesuccessful, unsuccessful


4. success (person) a person with a record of successes

SamplesHis son would never be the achiever that his father was.
Only winners need apply.
If you want to be a success you have to dress like a success.

Synonymsachiever, succeeder, winner

Broader (hypernym)individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

Narrower (hyponym)first lady, great, highflier, highflyer, natural, sleeper

Antonymsnonstarter, unsuccessful person, loser, failure

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