English dictionary

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English noun: being

1. being (state) the state or fact of existing

SamplesA point of view gradually coming into being.
Laws in existence for centuries.

Synonymsbeingness, existence

Broader (hypernym)state

Narrower (hyponym)actuality, aliveness, animation, coexistence, eternity, life, life, life, living, possibility, possibleness, preexistence, presence, subsistence, timeless existence, timelessness, transcendence, transcendency

Attributeexistent, existing, nonexistent

Antonymsnonbeing, nonentity, nonexistence

2. being a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently


Broader (hypernym)animate thing, living thing

Narrower (hyponym)aerobe, amphidiploid, anaerobe, animal, animalcule, animalculum, animate being, atavist, beast, benthos, brute, carrier, clon, clone, commensal, congenator, congener, congeneric, conspecific, creature, cross, crossbreed, denizen, diploid, dwarf, eucaryote, eukaryote, fauna, flora, fungus, haploid, heteroploid, heterotroph, host, hybrid, individual, individual, katharobe, mascot, micro-organism, microorganism, mortal, mutant, mutation, myrmecophile, native, nekton, nonvascular organism, parasite, parent, person, plankton, plant, plant life, polymorph, polyploid, postdiluvian, procaryote, prokaryote, recombinant, relative, relict, saprobe, saprophyte, saprophytic organism, sitter, somebody, someone, soul, sport, stander, throwback, utterer, variation, vocaliser, vocalizer, zooid

Part holonymbody part, cell

Substance holonymtissue

Domain category membersactinal, bioluminescent, cellular, fertilized ovum, metabolic process, metabolism, morphogenesis, organic chemistry, parthenote, stratum, zygote

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