English dictionary

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English adjective: fugitive

1. fugitive lasting for a markedly brief time

SamplesA fleeting glance.
Fugitive hours.
Rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass.
A momentary glimpse.

Synonymsfleeting, momentaneous, momentary



English noun: fugitive

1. fugitive (person) someone who flees from an uncongenial situation

SamplesFugitives from the sweatshops.

Synonymsfleer, runaway

Broader (hypernym)individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

2. fugitive (person) someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice

Synonymsfugitive from justice

Broader (hypernym)criminal, crook, felon, malefactor, outlaw

Narrower (hyponym)absconder, escapee

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