Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: ADD

1. ADD (om tilstand) a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)ADHD, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, hyperkinetic syndrome, MBD, minimal brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction

Mindre specifikke termersyndrome

Omfatter disse specifikke termerhyperactivity

Engelsk udsagnsord: add

1. add (om ændring) make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningWe added two students to that dorm room.
She added a personal note to her letter.
Add insult to injury.
Add some extra plates to the dinner table.

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody PP.
Somebody ----s something PP

Mindre specifikke termerincrease

Mere specifikke termeradd on, adjoin, button, butylate, combine, compound, concatenate, enrich, fortify, gild the lily, include, inject, intercalate, mark, milk, mix, mix in, modify, paint the lily, punctuate, put on, put on, qualify, string, string up, stud, supplement, welt, work in

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningadd

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)take away, take out

2. add (om kommunikation) state or say further

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning`It doesn't matter,' he supplied.

Eksempler på anvendelseThey add that there was a traffic accident

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)append, supply

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something.
Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

Mindre specifikke termersay, state, tell

Mere specifikke termerinsert, slip in, sneak in, stick in, toss in

3. add (om forhold) bestow a quality on

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHer presence lends a certain cachet to the company.
The music added a lot to the play.
She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings.
This adds a light note to the program.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)bestow, bring, contribute, impart, lend

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething is ----ing PP.
Somebody ----s something.
Something ----s something.
Somebody ----s something to somebody

Mindre specifikke termeralter, change, modify

Mere specifikke termerfactor, instill, throw in, tinsel, transfuse

4. add (om erkendelse) make an addition by combining numbers

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningAdd 27 and 49, please!.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)add together

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something

Mindre specifikke termercalculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, reckon, work out

Mere specifikke termerfoot, foot up

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningadd, add together, add up, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up

Overordnet emneområdearithmetic

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)deduct, subtract, take off

5. add (om kommunikation) determine the sum of

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningAdd all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)add together, add up, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot, tot up, total, tote up

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Mindre specifikke termercount, enumerate, number, numerate

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningadd, add together

6. add (om tilstand) constitute an addition

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThis paper will add to her reputation.

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething ----s something

Mindre specifikke termerconstitute, form, make

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningadd

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