English dictionary

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English adjective: side

1. side located on a side

SamplesSide fences.
The side porch.

Similarbroadside, lateral, sidelong

Antonymsbottom, top

English noun: side

1. side (location) a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location

SamplesThey always sat on the right side of the church.
He never left my side.

Broader (hypernym)part, region

Narrower (hyponym)bedside, blind side, dockside, east side, hand, north side, shipside, south side, west side

2. side (group) one of two or more contesting groups

SamplesThe Confederate side was prepared to attack.

Broader (hypernym)social unit, unit

Domain categorygame, government, political science, politics, war, warfare

3. side (body) either the left or right half of a body

SamplesHe had a pain in his side.

Broader (hypernym)area, region

Part meronymbody, torso, trunk

Domain categoryanimal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna, homo, human, human being, man

4. side (location) a surface forming part of the outside of an object

SamplesHe examined all sides of the crystal.
Dew dripped from the face of the leaf.


Broader (hypernym)surface

Narrower (hyponym)back end, backside, beam-ends, bottom, forepart, front, front end, lee, lee side, leeward, rear, top, top side, underside, undersurface, upper side, upside, windward

5. side (artifact) an extended outer surface of an object

SamplesHe turned the box over to examine the bottom side.
They painted all four sides of the house.

Broader (hypernym)surface

Narrower (hyponym)back, beam, broadside, edge, front, larboard, nearside, obverse, port, rear, reverse, sidewall, soffit, starboard, upper surface, verso

6. side (cognition) an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)

SamplesHe was on the heavy side.
He is on the purchasing side of the business.
It brought out his better side.

Broader (hypernym)aspect, facet

Narrower (hyponym)downside, hand

7. side (location) a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure

SamplesThe hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side.

Broader (hypernym)line

8. side (group) a family line of descent

SamplesHe gets his brains from his father's side.

Broader (hypernym)ancestry, blood, blood line, bloodline, descent, line, line of descent, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, stemma, stock

9. side (food) a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food

Synonymsside of meat

Broader (hypernym)cut, cut of meat

Narrower (hyponym)side of beef, side of pork

10. side (communication) an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute

SamplesThere are two sides to every question.


Broader (hypernym)opinion, view

11. side (object) an elevated geological formation

SamplesHe climbed the steep slope.
The house was built on the side of a mountain.

Synonymsincline, slope

Broader (hypernym)formation, geological formation

Narrower (hyponym)acclivity, ascent, bank, bank, camber, cant, canyonside, climb, coast, declension, declination, decline, declivity, descent, downslope, escarpment, fall, hillside, mountainside, piedmont, raise, rise, scarp, ski slope, upgrade, versant

Part meronymelevation, natural elevation

12. side (event) (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist


Broader (hypernym)spin

Domain categoryathletics, sport

English verb: side

1. side (competition) take sides for or against

SamplesWho are you widing with?.
I'm siding against the current candidate.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)align, array

Narrower (hyponym)pull, root for

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