English dictionary

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English adjective: front

1. front relating to or located in the front

SamplesThe front lines.
The front porch.

Similaradvance, advanced, foremost, frontal, frontmost, head-on, in advance

See alsoanterior, first, fore


English noun: front

1. front (location) the side that is forward or prominent

Synonymsforepart, front end

Broader (hypernym)face, side

Narrower (hyponym)forefront, head

Antonymsback end, backside, rear

2. front (location) the line along which opposing armies face each other

Synonymsbattlefront, front line

Broader (hypernym)line

Part meronymbattlefield, battleground, field, field of battle, field of honor

3. front (cognition) the outward appearance of a person

SamplesHe put up a bold front.

Broader (hypernym)appearance

4. front (artifact) the side that is seen or that goes first

Broader (hypernym)side

Narrower (hyponym)bow, facade, face, fore, frontage, frontal, frontispiece, nose, nose, nose cone, ogive, prow, shirtfront, shopfront, stem, storefront

Antonymsback, rear

5. front (person) a person used as a cover for some questionable activity

Synonymsfigurehead, front man, nominal head, straw man, strawman

Broader (hypernym)beguiler, cheat, cheater, deceiver, slicker, trickster

6. front (state) a sphere of activity involving effort

SamplesThe Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front.
They advertise on many different fronts.

Broader (hypernym)area, arena, domain, field, orbit, sphere

7. front (phenomenon) (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses

Broader (hypernym)atmospheric phenomenon

Narrower (hyponym)cold front, occluded front, occlusion, polar front, warm front

Domain categorymeteorology

8. front (location) the immediate proximity of someone or something

SamplesShe blushed in his presence.
He sensed the presence of danger.
He was well behaved in front of company.


Broader (hypernym)proximity

9. front (location) the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer

SamplesHe walked to the front of the stage.

Broader (hypernym)place, position

Antonymsback, rear

10. front (group) a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals

SamplesHe was a charter member of the movement.
Politicians have to respect a mass movement.
He led the national liberation front.

Synonymsmovement, social movement

Broader (hypernym)social group

Narrower (hyponym)art movement, artistic movement, Boy Scouts, Civil Rights movement, common front, cultural movement, ecumenism, falun gong, Fighting French, Free French, oecumenism, political movement, reform movement, religious movement, Zionism, Zionist movement

English verb: front

1. front (stative) be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to

SamplesThe house looks north.
My backyard look onto the pond.
The building faces the park.

ExamplesHis fields front mine at this point

Synonymsface, look

Pattern of useSomething ----s something

Broader (hypernym)lie

Narrower (hyponym)confront

Verb groupface


2. front (competition) confront bodily

SamplesBreast the storm.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody.
Something ----s somebody.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)confront, face

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