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English noun: region

1. region (location) the extended spatial location of something

SamplesThe farming regions of France.
Religions in all parts of the world.
Regions of outer space.


Broader (hypernym)location

Narrower (hyponym)aerospace, air, air, atmosphere, belt, biosphere, black hole, bottom, county, deep space, depth, distance, Eden, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, exterior, extremity, heaven, heliosphere, hell, hell on earth, hellhole, house, inferno, inside, intergalactic space, interior, interplanetary space, interstellar space, ionosphere, Kuiper belt, layer, mansion, mare, maria, nirvana, outside, Papua, paradise, planetary house, promised land, radius, Shangri-la, side, sign, sign of the zodiac, Sind, snake pit, star sign, the pits, top, vacuity, vacuum, zodiac, zone

Instance hyponymAchaea, Appleton layer, Cynoscephalae, D region, D-layer, Doris, E layer, E region, F layer, F region, Heaviside layer, Kennelly-Heaviside layer, Rand, Reef, Transylvania, Witwatersrand

2. region (body) a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve

SamplesIn the abdominal region.


Broader (hypernym)body part

Narrower (hyponym)area of cardiac dullness, areola, cleavage, cortical area, cortical region, epigastrium, erogenous zone, fovea, fovea centralis, groin, half-moon, hypochondrium, inguen, loins, lunula, lunule, macula, macula lutea, macular area, middle, midriff, midsection, palm, parafovea, perineum, pressure point, pubes, pubic region, quick, ring of color, side, sole, thenar, thenar, waist, waistline, yellow spot

3. region (location) a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth

SamplesPenguins inhabit the polar regions.

Broader (hypernym)location

Narrower (hyponym)antipodes, area, backwater, biogeographical region, breadbasket, country, demesne, district, domain, dominion, field, field, field of operations, geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region, heartland, irredenta, irridenta, laboratory, land, northland, southland, terra incognita, territorial dominion, territory, testing ground, theater, theater of operations, theater of war, theatre, theatre of operations, theatre of war, unknown, unknown region, zone of interior

Instance hyponymFar East, French West Indies, Occident, Old World, West

4. region (quantity) the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of')

SamplesIt was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job.
The price is in the neighborhood of $100.


Broader (hypernym)indefinite quantity

5. region (cognition) a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about

SamplesIt was a limited realm of discourse.
Here we enter the region of opinion.
The realm of the occult.


Broader (hypernym)domain, knowledge base, knowledge domain

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