English dictionary

Info: This web site is based on WordNet 3.0 from Princeton University.

English adjective: bone

1. bone consisting of or made up of bone

SamplesA bony substance.
The bony framework of the body.

Similarboney, bony


English noun: bone

1. bone (body) rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates


Broader (hypernym)connective tissue

Narrower (hyponym)anklebone, arcus zygomaticus, astragal, astragalus, bare bone, bonelet, braincase, brainpan, breastbone, calcaneus, calvaria, cannon bone, carpal, carpal bone, cartilage bone, centrum, cheekbone, clavicle, coccyx, collarbone, corpus sternum, costa, cranium, cuboid bone, dentin, dentine, ethmoid, ethmoid bone, fetter bone, fishbone, furcula, gladiolus, heelbone, hipbone, hyoid, hyoid bone, ilium, innominate bone, ischial bone, ischium, jaw, jugal bone, lacrimal bone, long bone, malar, malar bone, manubrium, marrowbone, membrane bone, metacarpal, metacarpal bone, metatarsal, modiolus, nasal, nasal bone, occiput, os breve, os hyoideum, os ischii, os longum, os nasale, os palatinum, os pubis, os sesamoideum, os sphenoidale, os tarsi fibulare, os temporale, os zygomaticum, ossicle, ossiculum, palatine, palatine bone, pastern, phalanx, pubic bone, pubis, ramus, rib, round bone, sacrum, scapula, sesamoid, sesamoid bone, short bone, shoulder blade, shoulder bone, sinciput, skull, skullcap, sphenoid, sphenoid bone, splint bone, sternum, sutural bone, tail bone, talus, tarsal, tarsal bone, temporal bone, tooth, turbinal, turbinate, turbinate bone, tympanic bone, vertebra, vomer, Wormian bone, wrist bone, xiphoid process, zygoma, zygomatic, zygomatic arch, zygomatic bone

Part holonymbone cell, bone marrow, condyle, coronoid process, ground substance, intercellular substance, lamella, marrow, matrix, processus coronoideus, socket

Part meronymendoskeleton

Substance holonymbone, collagen, osseous tissue

Substance meronymhorn

2. bone (substance) the porous calcified substance from which bones are made

Synonymsosseous tissue

Broader (hypernym)animal material

Substance meronymbone, os

3. bone (attribute) a shade of white the color of bleached bones

Synonymsivory, off-white, pearl

Broader (hypernym)white, whiteness

English verb: bone

1. bone (cognition) study intensively, as before an exam

SamplesI had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam.

Synonymsbone up, cram, drum, get up, grind away, mug up, swot, swot up

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s something PP

Broader (hypernym)hit the books, study

Verb groupcram

2. bone (change) remove the bones from

SamplesBone the turkey before roasting it.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)remove, take, take away, withdraw

Domain categoryanimal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna

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