English dictionary

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English noun: mate

1. mate (person) the officer below the master on a commercial ship

Synonymsfirst mate

Broader (hypernym)officer, ship's officer

2. mate (person) a fellow member of a team

SamplesIt was his first start against his former teammates.


Broader (hypernym)associate

3. mate (person) the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner)

SamplesHe loved the mare and all her mates.
Camels hate leaving their mates.

Broader (hypernym)animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna

4. mate (person) a person's partner in marriage

Synonymsbetter half, married person, partner, spouse

Broader (hypernym)domestic partner, relation, relative, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent

Narrower (hyponym)bigamist, consort, helpmate, helpmeet, honeymooner, hubby, husband, married man, married woman, monogamist, monogynist, newlywed, polygamist, wife

Member meronymman and wife, marriage, married couple

5. mate (artifact) an exact duplicate

SamplesWhen a match is found an entry is made in the notebook.


Broader (hypernym)duplicate, duplication

6. mate (quantity) one of a pair

SamplesHe lost the mate to his shoe.
One eye was blue but its fellow was brown.


Broader (hypernym)singleton

Part meronymbrace, couple, couplet, distich, duad, duet, duo, dyad, pair, span, twain, twosome, yoke

7. mate (plant) South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea

SynonymsIlex paraguariensis, Paraguay tea

Broader (hypernym)holly

8. mate (person) informal term for a friend of the same sex

Broader (hypernym)friend

Domain regionAustralia, Britain, Commonwealth of Australia, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

9. mate (food) South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate

Broader (hypernym)beverage, drink, drinkable, potable

10. mate (act) a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king


Broader (hypernym)chess move

English verb: mate

1. mate (contact) engage in sexual intercourse

SamplesBirds mate in the Spring.

Synonymscopulate, couple, pair

Pattern of useSomebody ----s

Broader (hypernym)conjoin, join

Narrower (hyponym)bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, breed, bugger, cover, deflower, do it, eff, fuck, get it on, get laid, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, mount, nick, ride, roll in the hay, ruin, screw, serve, service, sleep together, sleep with, sodomise, sodomise, sodomize, sodomize, tread

2. mate (contact) bring two objects, ideas, or people together

SamplesThis fact is coupled to the other one.
Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?.
The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project.

Synonymscouple, match, pair, twin

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)bring together, join

Narrower (hyponym)mismatch, mismate

Verb groupmatch

3. mate (competition) place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game

SamplesKasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)beat, beat out, crush, shell, trounce, vanquish

Domain categorychess, chess game

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