English dictionary

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English noun: flora

1. flora (group) all the plant life in a particular region or period

SamplesPleistocene vegetation.
The flora of southern California.
The botany of China.

Synonymsbotany, vegetation

Broader (hypernym)accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, collection

Narrower (hyponym)brier, brier patch, brierpatch, browse, brush, brushwood, bush, chaparral, coppice, copse, forest, garden, ground cover, groundcover, growth, scrub, shrubbery, stand, thicket, wood, woods

Member meronymbiology, biota

Domain categoryflora, plant, plant life

Domain category memberscut, dried-up, mown, sear, sere, shriveled, shrivelled, sprouted, uncut, unmown, withered

Antonymsfauna, zoology

2. flora (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion

Synonymsplant, plant life

Broader (hypernym)being, organism

Narrower (hyponym)acrogen, aerophyte, air plant, annual, apomict, aquatic, autophyte, autophytic plant, autotroph, autotrophic organism, biennial, crop, cryptogam, embryo, endemic, epiphyte, epiphytic plant, escape, gametophyte, garden plant, holophyte, houseplant, hygrophyte, microflora, monocarp, monocarpic plant, monocarpous plant, myrmecophyte, neophyte, non-flowering plant, ornamental, perennial, phytoplankton, plantlet, poisonous plant, pot plant, rock plant, sporophyte, tracheophyte, vascular plant, wilding

Part holonymcap, hood, plant part, plant structure

Member meronymkingdom Plantae, plant kingdom, Plantae

Domain categorybotany, phytology

Domain category membersaccrete, acid-loving, alder blight, alkaline-loving, amentaceous, amentiferous, amphitropous, anatropous, apocarpous, blanched, botanical medicine, botany, bruise, caespitose, campylotropous, carnivorous, cespitose, circulation, clustered, coca, cultivate, deaden, deciduous, dicotyledonous, domesticate, endangered, epiphytotic, etiolate, etiolate, etiolated, evergreen, floccose, flora, fugaciousness, fugacity, girdle, gregarious, half-hardy, herbal therapy, hispid, insectivorous, inverted, leggy, micro-organism, microorganism, monocotyledonous, naturalise, naturalize, nitrification, orthotropous, pappose, parasite, perennation, peroxidase, photosynthesis, phytotherapy, propagate, saprophytic, sedgy, squamule, syncarpous, tall-growing, tame, tender, tenderiser, tenderizer, threatened, tufted, ungregarious, vegetation

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