English dictionary

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English noun: atmosphere

1. atmosphere (state) a particular environment or surrounding influence

SamplesThere was an atmosphere of excitement.

Synonymsambiance, ambience

Broader (hypernym)condition, status

Narrower (hyponym)feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, genius loci, gloom, gloominess, glumness, look, miasm, miasma, smell, spirit, tone

2. atmosphere (quantity) a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade

Synonymsatm, standard atmosphere, standard pressure

Broader (hypernym)pressure unit

Narrower (hyponym)s.t.p., STP

3. atmosphere (location) the mass of air surrounding the Earth

SamplesThere was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere.
It was exposed to the air.


Broader (hypernym)part, region

Narrower (hyponym)airspace

Part holonymair space, airspace, ionosphere

Part meronymEarth, globe, world

4. atmosphere (state) the weather or climate at some place

SamplesThe atmosphere was thick with fog.

Synonymsatmospheric state

Broader (hypernym)atmospheric condition, conditions, weather, weather condition

Narrower (hyponym)air mass, anticyclone, cyclone, fog, fogginess, murk, murkiness

5. atmosphere (object) the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body

Broader (hypernym)gas

Narrower (hyponym)sky

Part holonymexosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, troposphere

6. atmosphere (attribute) a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing

SamplesAn air of mystery.
The house had a neglected air.
An atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.
The place had an aura of romance.

Synonymsair, aura

Broader (hypernym)quality

Narrower (hyponym)mystique, note, vibe, vibration

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