English dictionary

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English noun: care

1. care (act) the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something

SamplesNo medical care was required.
The old car needs constant attention.

Synonymsaid, attention, tending

Broader (hypernym)work

Narrower (hyponym)baby sitting, babysitting, dental care, faith cure, faith healing, first aid, hair care, haircare, hairdressing, health care, healthcare, incubation, intervention, livery, manicure, maternalism, nourishment, nursing, nurturance, pedicure, personal care, pet sitting, skin care, skincare, tender loving care, TLC, treatment, tree surgery

2. care (cognition) judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger

SamplesHe exercised caution in opening the door.
He handled the vase with care.

Synonymscaution, forethought, precaution

Broader (hypernym)judiciousness

3. care (feeling) an anxious feeling

SamplesCare had aged him.
They hushed it up out of fear of public reaction.

Synonymsconcern, fear

Broader (hypernym)anxiety

4. care (feeling) a cause for feeling concern

SamplesHis major care was the illness of his wife.

Broader (hypernym)plight, predicament, quandary

5. care (act) attention and management implying responsibility for safety

SamplesHe is in the care of a bodyguard.

Synonymscharge, guardianship, tutelage

Broader (hypernym)protection

Narrower (hyponym)due care, foster care, great care, ordinary care, providence, reasonable care, slight care

6. care (act) activity involved in maintaining something in good working order

SamplesHe wrote the manual on car care.

Synonymsmaintenance, upkeep

Broader (hypernym)fix, fixing, fixture, mend, mending, repair, reparation

Narrower (hyponym)camera care, car care, inspection and repair, overhaul, pump priming, scheduled maintenance, service, steam fitting

English verb: care

1. care (emotion) feel concern or interest

SamplesI really care about my work.
I don't care.

ExamplesSam and Sue care

Pattern of useSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)compassionate, condole with, feel for, pity, sympathize with

2. care (social) provide care for

SamplesThe nurse was caring for the wounded.

Synonymsgive care

Pattern of useSomebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)aid, assist, help

Narrower (hyponym)attend, dry-nurse, fuss, look, mother, nurse, overprotect, see, take care

3. care (emotion) prefer or wish to do something

SamplesDo you care to try this dish?.
Would you like to come along to the movies?.

ExamplesThey care to move

Synonymslike, wish

Pattern of useSomebody ----s to INFINITIVE

Broader (hypernym)desire, want

Narrower (hyponym)please

4. care (social) be in charge of, act on, or dispose of

SamplesI can deal with this crew of workers.
This blender can't handle nuts.
She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old.

Synonymsdeal, handle, manage

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s somebody.
Something ----s something.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)command, control

Narrower (hyponym)administer, administrate, carry on, come to grips, conduct, coordinate, deal, direct, dispose of, get to grips, juggle, mind, misconduct, mishandle, mismanage, organise, organize, process, take care, touch, work

5. care (emotion) be concerned with

SamplesI worry about my grades.


Pattern of useSomebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)mind

Narrower (hyponym)brood, dwell

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