English dictionary

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English noun: protection

1. protection (act) the activity of protecting someone or something

SamplesThe witnesses demanded police protection.

Broader (hypernym)activity

Narrower (hyponym)accompaniment, air cover, care, charge, civil defense, covering, defence, defence, defense, defense, escort, guardianship, immunisation, immunization, inoculating, insulation, locking, lockup, momism, overprotection, overshielding, patrol, preservation, ruggedisation, ruggedization, saving, sealing, self-defence, self-defense, self-protection, shielding, tutelage, vaccinating, waterproofing

2. protection (artifact) a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury

SamplesThey had no protection from the fallout.
Wax provided protection for the floors.

Synonymsprotective cover, protective covering

Broader (hypernym)covering

Narrower (hyponym)armguard, armor, armour, back, bell glass, bell jar, binder, binding, blind, bonnet, book binding, bracer, cap, cladding, cloche, coaster, cold frame, cover, cowl, cowling, crystal, dashboard, dust cover, escutcheon, faceplate, facing, fall-board, fallboard, finger plate, heat shield, hood, housing, liner, lining, mask, mulch, overlay, overlayer, ring-binder, roof, roof, screen, screen, scutcheon, shade, sheath, sheathing, shelter, shield, splashboard, splashboard, splasher, splasher, testudo, thumbstall, toecap, washboard, watch crystal, watch glass

3. protection (possession) defense against financial failure; financial independence

SamplesHis pension gave him security in his old age.
Insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness.


Broader (hypernym)assets

Narrower (hyponym)easy street, hedge, hedging, insurance

4. protection (state) the condition of being protected

SamplesThey were huddled together for protection.
He enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home.


Broader (hypernym)security

Narrower (hyponym)indemnity, insurance, radioprotection

5. protection (act) kindly endorsement and guidance

SamplesThe tournament was held under the auspices of the city council.

Synonymsaegis, auspices

Broader (hypernym)endorsement, indorsement

6. protection (act) the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition

SamplesHe made trade protection a plank in the party platform.

Synonymstrade protection

Broader (hypernym)imposition, infliction

7. protection (act) payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence

SamplesEvery store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection.


Broader (hypernym)extortion

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