Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: construction

1. construction (om handling) the act of constructing something

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningDuring the construction we had to take a detour.
His hobby was the building of boats.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)building

Mindre specifikke termercreating from raw materials

Mere specifikke termerassembly, crenelation, crenellation, dry walling, erecting, erection, fabrication, grading, house-raising, leveling, road construction, rustication, ship building, shipbuilding

Indenfor samme emneområdeerect, frame, frame up, groin, preassemble, prefabricate, put up, raise, rear, rebuild, reconstruct, reface, set up, wattle

2. construction (om kommunikation) a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningI concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)expression, grammatical construction

Mindre specifikke termerconstituent, grammatical constituent

Mere specifikke termeradjunct, clause, complement, involution, phrase, predicator

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)misconstruction

3. construction (om erkendelse) the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)mental synthesis

Mindre specifikke termercerebration, intellection, mentation, thinking, thought, thought process

Mere specifikke termercrystallization, gestation

4. construction (om genstand) a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe structure consisted of a series of arches.
She wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)structure

Mindre specifikke termerartefact, artifact

Mere specifikke termerairdock, altar, arcade, arch, area, arena, balance, balcony, balcony, bascule, boarding, body, bowl, bridge, building, building complex, card-house, cardcastle, cardhouse, catchment, coil, colonnade, colonnade, column, complex, corner, counterbalance, cross, deathtrap, defence, defense, defensive structure, divider, door, edifice, entablature, equilibrium, equipoise, erection, establishment, false bottom, floor, fountain, guide, hangar, helix, hill, honeycomb, house of cards, housing, hull, impediment, impedimenta, jungle gym, lamination, landing, landing place, level, living accommodations, lodging, lookout, lookout station, masonry, memorial, monument, mound, observation tower, observatory, obstructer, obstruction, obstructor, offset, partition, pillar, platform, porch, post and lintel, prefab, projection, public works, quoin, repair shed, sail, set-back, setoff, shelter, shipway, shoebox, sign, signboard, slipway, span, spiral, sports stadium, stadium, storey, story, superstructure, supporting structure, tower, transept, trestlework, vaulting, volute, ways, weapons platform, wellhead, whorl, wind tunnel

Omfatter disse specifikke termerbase, foot, foundation, fundament, groundwork, plate, structural member, substructure, understructure

5. construction (om handling) drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem.

Mindre specifikke termermathematical operation, mathematical process, operation

Mere specifikke termerquadrature

6. construction (om kommunikation) an interpretation of a text or action

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThey put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)twist

Mindre specifikke termerinterpretation

7. construction (om handling) the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningTheir main business is home construction.
Workers in the building trades.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)building

Mindre specifikke termerbusiness, business enterprise, commercial enterprise

Mere specifikke termerjerry-building

Omfatter disse specifikke termerhouse painting, masonry, painting, plumbery, plumbing, roofing, sheet-metal work, shingling

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