Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: commercial enterprise

1. commercial enterprise (om gruppe) an enterprise connected with commerce

Mindre specifikke termerenterprise

Mere specifikke termerco-op, cooperative, industry

2. commercial enterprise (om handling) the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningComputers are now widely used in business.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)business, business enterprise

Mindre specifikke termercommerce, commercialism, mercantilism

Mere specifikke termeradvertising, agribusiness, agriculture, building, butchering, butchery, construction, discount business, employee-owned business, employee-owned enterprise, factory farm, field, field of operation, finance, fishing, industry, line of business, manufacture, packaging, printing, publication, publicizing, publishing, real-estate business, shipping, storage, tourism, touristry, transport, transportation, venture

Omfatter disse specifikke termerbusiness activity, commercial activity

Omfatter disse overordnede termermarket, market place, marketplace

Indenfor samme emneområdeadministration, astuteness, bankroll, business, business, business, business concern, business organisation, business organization, business people, business sector, businesspeople, capitalist, celluloid, chain, cinema, concern, copartner, disposal, doldrums, dull, establishment, film, gambling den, gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house, hostile, intangible, operation, overcapitalisation, overcapitalization, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, player, privatise, privatize, roll, shrewdness, slow, sluggish, stagnancy, stagnation, tangible

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