Engelsk substantiv: appendage |
1. | appendage (i anatomi) an external body part that projects from the body |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | It is important to keep the extremities warm.
| Ord med samme betydning (synonymer) | extremity, member |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | external body part |
| Mere spesifikke uttrykk | chela, chelicera, claw, dactyl, digit, fang, fin, limb, mouthpart, nipper, parapodium, pincer, pleopod, swimmeret |
2. | appendage (i anatomi) a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | A bony process.
| Ord med samme betydning (synonymer) | outgrowth, process |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | body part |
| Mere spesifikke uttrykk | acromial process, acromion, acrosome, aculea, ala, alveolar arch, alveolar process, alveolar ridge, apophysis, appendix, arista, caruncle, caruncula, cecal appendage, cirrus, condyle, coronoid process, crest, eminence, enation, epicondyle, excrescence, fetlock, fimbria, flagellum, gum ridge, hair, horn, horn, mastoid, mastoid bone, mastoid process, mastoidal, metaphysis, odontoid process, olecranon, olecranon process, osteophyte, papilla, papilla, papilla, plant process, processus coronoideus, pseudopod, pseudopodium, pterygoid process, ridge, spicule, spiculum, spine, style, styloid process, tail, tentacle, transverse process, trochanter, tubercle, tuberosity, vermiform appendix, vermiform process, villus, zygomatic process |
3. | appendage (om gjenstand) a part that is joined to something larger |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | part, portion |
| Mere spesifikke uttrykk | appendicle, grip, handgrip, handhold, handle, hold, tailpiece |