English dictionary

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English noun: crystal

1. crystal (substance) a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical and having a highly regular atomic structure

Broader (hypernym)solid

Narrower (hyponym)diamond dust, flake, frost mist, frost snow, gem, gemstone, ice, ice crystal, ice needle, poudrin, snow mist, snowflake, stone, twins, water ice

2. crystal (artifact) a crystalline element used as a component in various electronic devices

Broader (hypernym)component, constituent, element

Narrower (hyponym)piezoelectric crystal

Part meronymcrystal counter, crystal detector, crystal microphone, crystal pickup

3. crystal (object) a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces


Broader (hypernym)rock, stone

Narrower (hyponym)crystallite

4. crystal (substance) colorless glass made of almost pure silica

Synonymslechatelierite, quartz, quartz glass, vitreous silica

Broader (hypernym)natural glass

Substance holonymsilica, silicon dioxide, silicon oxide

5. crystal (artifact) glassware made of quartz

Broader (hypernym)glassware, glasswork

6. crystal (artifact) a protective cover that protects the face of a watch

Synonymswatch crystal, watch glass

Broader (hypernym)protection, protective cover, protective covering

Part meronymticker, watch

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