Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: archaicism

1. archaicism (om kommunikation) the use of an archaic expression

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)archaism

Mindre specifikke termerexpression, formulation

Indenfor samme emneområdecontrol

Samme anvendelseabide, acold, adust, air, alienism, ambages, amort, apopemptic, away, backward, base, baseborn, bide, bosom, brainish, brotherly, by chance, caitiff, careful, colored, colored person, commodious, compass, complexion, convenient, corroborant, curtal, dark-skinned, dighted, dowerless, dusky, earth, empiric, empirical, ether, fardel, feebleminded, fire, forth, frore, gildhall, half-witted, heartless, hence, hold, horary, hornpipe, hotheaded, impetuous, impulsive, innocent, leal, madcap, meed, mellow, mellowly, menstruum, meretricious, muchness, mulatto, Negress, octoroon, off, Oriental, oriental person, palfrey, perchance, pibgorn, privily, proportionable, puissant, quadroon, quintessence, scriptural, scrivened, simple, slow-witted, small, sooth, stay, stockhorn, strait, sublime, swart, swarthy, tearaway, the halt, thrown, thrown and twisted, uplifted, verbal, verily, water

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