Engelsk ordbok

Info: Dette webstedet er basert på WordNet fra Princeton University.

Engelsk substantiv: archaicism

1. archaicism (om kommunikasjon) the use of an archaic expression

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)archaism

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkexpression, formulation

Forekomster i samme kategoricontrol

Samme anvendelseabide, acold, adust, air, alienism, ambages, amort, apopemptic, away, backward, base, baseborn, bide, bosom, brainish, brotherly, by chance, caitiff, careful, colored, colored person, commodious, compass, complexion, convenient, corroborant, curtal, dark-skinned, dighted, dowerless, dusky, earth, empiric, empirical, ether, fardel, feebleminded, fire, forth, frore, gildhall, half-witted, heartless, hence, hold, horary, hornpipe, hotheaded, impetuous, impulsive, innocent, leal, madcap, meed, mellow, mellowly, menstruum, meretricious, muchness, mulatto, Negress, octoroon, off, Oriental, oriental person, palfrey, perchance, pibgorn, privily, proportionable, puissant, quadroon, quintessence, scriptural, scrivened, simple, slow-witted, small, sooth, stay, stockhorn, strait, sublime, swart, swarthy, tearaway, the halt, thrown, thrown and twisted, uplifted, verbal, verily, water

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