English dictionary

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English noun: organization

1. organization (group) a group of people who work together


Broader (hypernym)social group

Narrower (hyponym)adhocracy, affiliate, alignment, alinement, alliance, association, blue, brotherhood, bureaucracy, coalition, commission, company, defence, defence force, defense, defense force, delegacy, delegation, deputation, enterprise, establishment, establishment, federation, fiefdom, fire brigade, fire company, force, Girl Scouts, gray, grey, hierarchy, host, institution, labor union, line of defence, line of defense, line organisation, line organization, machine, machine, mission, musical group, musical organisation, musical organization, NGO, nongovernmental organization, party, Peace Corps, pecking order, personnel, political machine, political party, polity, pool, power structure, professional organisation, professional organization, quango, quasi-NGO, social unit, Tammany, Tammany Hall, Tammany Society, trade union, trades union, troupe, union, unit

Instance hyponymAssociation of Orangemen, Orange Order

Member holonymmembership, quorum, rank

2. organization (cognition) an organized structure for arranging or classifying

SamplesHe changed the arrangement of the topics.
The facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original.
He tried to understand their system of classification.

Synonymsarrangement, organisation, system

Broader (hypernym)structure

Narrower (hyponym)calendar, classification system, contrivance, coordinate system, data structure, design, distribution, frame of reference, genetic map, kinship system, lattice, living arrangement, ontology, plan, reference frame, reference system, statistical distribution

3. organization (group) the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something

SamplesHe claims that the present administration is corrupt.
The governance of an association is responsible to its members.
He quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment.

Synonymsadministration, brass, establishment, governance, governing body, organisation

Broader (hypernym)body

Narrower (hyponym)bench, county council, Curia, executive, government officials, judiciary, management, officialdom, top brass

Part holonymhierarchy, pecking order, power structure

Part meronymauthorities, government, regime

Member holonymadvisory board, planning board

4. organization (act) the act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business

SamplesHe was brought in to supervise the organization of a new department.


Broader (hypernym)administration, disposal

Narrower (hyponym)nonprofit, nonprofit organization, not-for-profit, rationalisation, rationalization, reorganisation, reorganization, self-organisation, self-organization, shake-up, shakeup, syndication

5. organization (attribute) an ordered manner; orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized

SamplesHis compulsive organization was not an endearing quality.
We can't do it unless we establish some system around here.

Synonymsorganisation, system

Broader (hypernym)methodicalness, orderliness

6. organization (act) the activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically

SamplesHis organization of the work force was very efficient.


Broader (hypernym)activity

Narrower (hyponym)itemisation, itemization, listing, order, ordering, randomisation, randomization, rationalisation, rationalization, systematisation, systematization, territorialisation, territorialization

7. organization (act) the act of forming or establishing something

SamplesThe constitution of a PTA group last year.
It was the establishment of his reputation.
He still remembers the organization of the club.

Synonymsconstitution, establishment, formation, organisation

Broader (hypernym)beginning, commencement, start

Narrower (hyponym)collectivisation, collectivization, colonisation, colonization, communisation, communization, federation, settlement, unionisation, unionization

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