Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk adjektiv: vernacular

1. vernacular being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningCommon parlance.
A vernacular term.
Vernacular speakers.
The vulgar tongue of the masses.
The technical and vulgar names for an animal species.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)common, vulgar

Uttrykk med lignende betydninginformal

Uttrykk med motsatt betydning (antonymer)formal

Engelsk substantiv: vernacular

1. vernacular (om kommunikasjon) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThey don't speak our lingo.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)argot, cant, jargon, lingo, patois, slang

Mindre spesifikke uttrykknon-standard speech

Mere spesifikke uttrykkrhyming slang, street name

Samme anvendelse'hood, airhead, applesauce, arse, arsehole, ass, asshole, babe, baby, bad egg, baloney, bay window, besotted, big bucks, big money, bilgewater, bitch, bite, blind drunk, blotto, blowjob, Boche, boffin, boloney, bolshy, bosh, bun-fight, bundle, bunfight, bunghole, bunk off, burnup, butch, butch, buy it, caff, can-do, cert, Chinaman, chink, chuck, clean, cock sucking, cockeyed, codswallop, corker, corporation, crocked, dago, deck, dekko, dibs, dike, ditch, dreck, drool, drop-dead, dyke, feel, folderol, freaky, fuck, fucking, fuddled, gat, ginzo, give, good egg, gook, greaseball, grotty, Guinea, guvnor, hand job, heebie-jeebies, heist, honkey, honkie, honky, hood, hooey, hoof, humbug, Hun, hymie, Injun, jacking off, Jap, jerking off, Jerry, jitters, juice, juice, key, kike, Kraut, Krauthead, legs, loaded, mean, megabucks, Mickey Finn, nick, niff, Nip, nookie, nooky, nosh-up, old man, out-and-outer, paleface, pie-eyed, piece of ass, piece of tail, pile, pint-size, pint-sized, pip out, pissed, pixilated, plastered, play hooky, plum, plumb, pong, poor white trash, poppycock, pot, potbelly, power trip, red man, Redskin, rip-off, rod, roll in the hay, rubbish, runty, sawed-off, sawn-off, schlock, schlockmeister, screaming meemies, screw, screwing, shag, shakedown, shakedown, sheeny, shlock, shlockmeister, shtup, sister, skin flick, skinful, slam-bang, slant-eye, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, some, soup-strainer, soused, sozzled, spic, spick, spik, square, square-bashing, squeeze, squiffy, stiff, straight, stroppy, stuff, stuff and nonsense, suit, swiz, taradiddle, tarradiddle, the shits, the trots, tight, tommyrot, toothbrush, tosh, trash, tripe, tripper, trumpery, tummy, twaddle, uncool, wank, wet, white trash, whitey, wish-wash, wog, wop, yid

2. vernacular (om kommunikasjon) the everyday speech of the people (as distinguished from literary language)

Mindre spesifikke uttrykknon-standard speech

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