English dictionary

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English noun: Pb

1. Pb (substance) a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes readily to dull grey

SamplesThe children were playing with lead soldiers.

Synonymsatomic number 82, lead

Broader (hypernym)metal, metallic element

Narrower (hyponym)antimonial lead, hard lead, hard lead, pig lead

Substance meronymcerussite, galena, white lead ore

2. Pb (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1000 terabits or 10^15 bits

SynonymsPbit, petabit

Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymTb, Tbit, terabit

Part meronymEb, Ebit, exabit

3. PB (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1000 terabytes or 10^15 bytes


Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymTB, terabyte

Part meronymEB, exabyte

4. PB (quantity) a unit of information equal to 1024 tebibytes or 2^50 bytes

Synonymspebibyte, petabyte, PiB

Broader (hypernym)computer memory unit

Part holonymTB, tebibyte, terabyte, TiB

Part meronymEB, EiB, exabyte, exbibyte

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