English dictionary

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English noun: computing

1. computing (cognition) the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures

Synonymscomputer science

Broader (hypernym)applied science, engineering, engineering science, technology

Narrower (hyponym)AI, artificial intelligence, object

Part meronyminformatics, information processing, information science, IP

Domain categorycomputer, computing device, computing machine, data processor, electronic computer, information processing system

Domain category membersaccess, access, access time, accumulator, accumulator register, address, address, addressable, algorithm error, allocation, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, architecture, argument, ASCII, ASCII character set, background, backup, backup file, bad block, baud, baud rate, bbs, binary file, bit field, bits per inch, bits per second, block, bpi, bps, buffer, buffer storage, buffer store, bulletin board, bulletin board system, C.P.U., cache, capacity, cartridge font, cascade, cascading menu, central processing unit, central processor, check bit, CISC, clear, client, code, coder, command, command key, command overhead, command processing overhead, command processing overhead time, command prompt, communications protocol, compiler, compiling program, complex instruction set computer, complex instruction set computing, computer, computer address, computer architecture, computer backup, computer circuit, computer code, computer database, computer error, computer file, computer file name, computer filename, computer hardware, computer menu, computer network, computer peripheral, computer program, computer programme, computer programmer, computer readable, computer simulation, computer software, computerise, computerize, computing device, computing machine, concatenate, control key, core, core dump, core memory, counter, CPU, crash, cursor, cybernate, data encryption, data processing, data processor, data track, dedicated file server, descriptor, desktop, desktop publishing, detail file, device driver, dialog box, DIP switch, directory, disambiguator, disc, disc drive, disc pack, disc space, disk, disk controller, disk drive, disk error, disk file, disk overhead, disk pack, disk space, display adapter, display adaptor, dithered color, dithered colour, document, domain name, dongle, drive, driver, dual inline package switch, dump, e-mail, e-mail, editor, editor program, electronic bulletin board, electronic computer, electronic database, electronic information service, electronic mail, electronic stylus, email, email, emulate, emulation, EPROM, erasable programmable read-only memory, error, execution, execution speed, export, field, file name, file server, file transfer protocol, filename, firewall, firmware, fixed storage, font cartridge, foreground, formatted capacity, fragmentation, FTP, GIGO, google, guest, hard copy, hard drive, hardware, hardware error, head, head crash, hierarchical menu, high-level formatting, host, icon, import, in series, index register, information processing system, information theory, initialisation, initialization, input, input data, input file, instruction, instruction execution, interface, interface, interoperability, interoperable, interpreter, interpretive program, iterate, iteration, iteration, job, latency, light pen, load, logic, loop, looping, low-level formatting, machine readable, magnetic core, magnetic core memory, magnetic disc, magnetic disk, main file, mainframe, mapquest, master file, megaflop, memory access, memory cache, menu, MFLOP, microcode, million floating point operations per second, million instructions per second, MIPS, netmail, network, node, non-dedicated file server, nonparallel, nonsolid color, nonsolid colour, object-oriented programing language, object-oriented programming language, off-line, on-line, on-line database, online, ontology, open-source, operating system, operation, OS, output file, overhead, overhead, overwrite, package, packet, panel, parallel, parameter, parity, parity bit, partition, pel, peripheral, peripheral device, picture element, ping, pixel, pointer, port, positioner, power user, printer, processor, program, program, program line, programing language, programme, programme, programmer, programming error, programming language, prompt, protocol, RAM disk, raster font, rasterize, read-only file, read-only memory, read-only storage, read/write head, real time, real-time, reduced instruction set computer, reduced instruction set computing, reference, register, resolution, retrieval, RISC, ROM, rotary actuator, rotational latency, router, run-time, run-time error, runtime error, save, screen background, screen font, screen saver, scroll, security system, seek, seek time, semantic error, serial, server, service program, SGML, shift register, simulation, soft copy, software, software engineer, software error, software package, software program, software system, spam, spool, standard generalized markup language, statement, storage, storage allocation, stovepiped, streaming, subdirectory, submenu, syntax error, teraflop, terminal emulation, text editor, text file, time sharing, title bar, track, track-to-track seek time, transaction file, trillion floating point operations per second, unformatted capacity, user interface, utility, utility program, video, virtual memory, virtual storage, Winchester drive, window, write

2. computing (act) the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods

Synonymscalculation, computation

Broader (hypernym)procedure, process

Narrower (hyponym)mathematical operation, mathematical process, number crunching, operation, recalculation, transposition

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