English dictionary

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English noun: mercantilism

1. mercantilism (group) an economic system (Europe in 18th century) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests

Synonymsmercantile system

Broader (hypernym)managed economy

Domain regionEurope

2. mercantilism (act) transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)

Synonymscommerce, commercialism

Broader (hypernym)dealing, dealings, transaction

Narrower (hyponym)business, business enterprise, carriage trade, commercial enterprise, defrayal, defrayment, distribution, e-commerce, evasion, exchange, exportation, exporting, importation, importing, initial offering, initial public offering, interchange, IPO, marketing, marketing, merchandising, nonpayment, payment, selling, trade, trading, traffic

Part holonymshipping, transport, transportation

Attributecommercial, noncommercial

Domain category membersantique, arbitrage, auction, auction off, auctioneer, barter away, broker, browse, buy, buy in, clear, commercialise, commercialize, comparison-shop, deaccession, deal, deal, export, fob off, foist off, franchise, get, hock, import, impulse-buy, liquidize, market, market, market, market, merchandise, negociate, palm off, pawn, pick up, purchase, realise, realize, remainder, resell, retail, retail, sell, sell, sell out, sell short, sell up, shop, shop, smuggle, soak, stock, stock up, take, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade in, traffic, transact, trust, turn, turn over, usance, wholesale

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