Engelsk udsagnsord: pronounce | |||
1. | pronounce (om kommunikation) speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way | ||
Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | She pronounces French words in a funny way. I cannot say `zip wire'. Can the child sound out this complicated word?. | ||
Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | articulate, enounce, enunciate, say, sound out | ||
Anvendelsesmønster | Somebody ----s something | ||
Mere specifikke termer | accent, accentuate, aspirate, click, devoice, drawl, explode, flap, labialise, labialize, lilt, lisp, mispronounce, misspeak, nasalise, nasalise, nasalize, nasalize, palatalise, palatalize, raise, retroflex, roll, round, sibilate, sound, stress, subvocalise, subvocalize, syllabise, syllabize, trill, twang, vocalise, vocalise, vocalize, vocalize, voice, vowelise, vowelize | ||
Kan forårsage | mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize | ||
2. | pronounce (om kommunikation) pronounce judgment on | ||
Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | They labeled him unfit to work here. | ||
Termer med samme betydning (synonymer) | judge, label | ||
Anvendelsesmønster | Something ----s something Adjective/Noun. Somebody ----s somebody something | ||
Mindre specifikke termer | adjudge, declare, hold | ||
Mere specifikke termer | acquit, assoil, clear, convict, discharge, disqualify, exculpate, exonerate, find, intonate, intone, qualify, rule, tout | ||