English dictionary

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English noun: royalty

1. royalty (possession) payment to the holder of a patent or copyright or resource for the right to use their property

SamplesHe received royalties on his book.

Broader (hypernym)payment

2. royalty (group) royal persons collectively

SamplesThe wedding was attended by royalty.

Synonymsroyal family, royal house, royal line

Broader (hypernym)house

Narrower (hyponym)Habsburg, Hanover, Hanoverian line, Hapsburg, Hohenzollern, House of Hanover, House of Lancaster, House of York, Lancaster, Lancastrian line, Plantagenet, Plantagenet line, Romanoff, Romanov, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Stuart, York

Member holonymfemale monarch, Highness, king, male monarch, prince, princess, queen, queen, queen regnant, Rex

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