Engelsk ordbog

Tip: Stjerne (*) kan anvendes som jokertegn (wild card). Stjernen erstatter nul eller flere tegn.

Engelsk udsagnsord: correspond

1. correspond (om tilstand) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe two stories don't agree in many details.
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check.
The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)agree, check, fit, gibe, jibe, match, tally

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP

Mindre specifikke termerbe, equal

Mere specifikke termeraccord, adhere, agree, align, answer, bear out, befit, beseem, coincide, concord, conform to, consist, consort, correlate, corroborate, duplicate, fit, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, homologize, look, meet, parallel, parallel, pattern, resemble, rhyme, rime, square, suit, support, twin, underpin

Udsagnsord med lignende betydningaccord, agree, check, check out, concord, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize

Termer med modsat betydning (antonymer)disaccord, discord, disagree

2. correspond (om tilstand) be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)equate

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething is ----ing PP

Mindre specifikke termerbe, equal

3. correspond (om kommunikation) exchange messages

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningMy Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years.

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s.
Somebody ----s PP

Mere specifikke termerdrop a line, write

Kan forårsagewrite

4. correspond (om tilstand) take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningBecause of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)represent, stand for

AnvendelsesmønsterSomething is ----ing PP.
Something ----s something

Mindre specifikke termerbe, equal

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