Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: relaxation

1. relaxation (om proces) (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers

Mindre specifikke termergrowth, increase, increment

Overordnet emneområdephysiology

2. relaxation (om proces) (physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)relaxation behavior

Mindre specifikke termerexponential decay, exponential return

Overordnet emneområdenatural philosophy, physics

3. relaxation (om fornemmelse) a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe easiness we feel when sleeping.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)easiness

Mindre specifikke termerquietness, quietude, tranquility, tranquillity

Mere specifikke termerdreaminess, languor

4. relaxation (om begivenhed) an occurrence of control or strength weakening

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe relaxation of requirements.
The loosening of his grip.
The slackening of the wind.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)loosening, slackening

Mindre specifikke termerweakening

Mere specifikke termerthaw

5. relaxation (om handling) freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningTook his repose by the swimming pool.

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)ease, repose, rest

Mindre specifikke termerinactivity

Mere specifikke termerbed rest, bedrest, dormancy, laziness, leisure, lie-in, quiescence, quiescency, sleeping

6. relaxation (om handling) a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)relaxation method

Mindre specifikke termermathematical operation, mathematical process, operation

7. relaxation (om handling) the act of making less strict

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)liberalisation, liberalization

Mindre specifikke termeralleviation, easement, easing, relief

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