Engelsk substantiv: billet |
1. | billet (om kommunikasjon) a short personal letter |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | Drop me a line when you get there.
| Ord med samme betydning (synonymer) | line, note, short letter |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | personal letter |
| Mere spesifikke uttrykk | excuse |
2. | billet (om gjenstand) lodging for military personnel (especially in a private home) |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | housing, living accommodations, lodging |
| Overordnet kategori | armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine |
3. | billet (om handling) a job in an organization |
| Eksempler med tilsvarende betydning | He occupied a post in the treasury.
| Ord med samme betydning (synonymer) | berth, office, place, position, post, situation, spot |
| Mindre spesifikke uttrykk | business, job, line, line of work, occupation |
| Mere spesifikke uttrykk | academicianship, accountantship, admiralty, ambassadorship, apostleship, apprenticeship, associateship, attorneyship, bailiffship, baronetage, bishopry, cadetship, caliphate, captaincy, captainship, cardinalship, chair, chairmanship, chancellorship, chaplaincy, chaplainship, chieftaincy, chieftainship, clerkship, commandership, commandery, comptrollership, consulship, controllership, councillorship, councilorship, counsellorship, counselorship, curacy, curatorship, custodianship, deanery, deanship, directorship, discipleship, editorship, eldership, emirate, episcopate, fatherhood, fatherhood, feudal lordship, foremanship, generalcy, generalship, governorship, headship, headship, hot seat, incumbency, inspectorship, instructorship, internship, judgeship, judicature, khanate, lectureship, legateship, legation, legislatorship, librarianship, lieutenancy, magistracy, magistrature, managership, manhood, marshalship, mastership, mayoralty, messiahship, moderatorship, overlordship, pastorate, pastorship, peasanthood, plum, praetorship, precentorship, preceptorship, prefecture, prelacy, prelature, premiership, presidency, presidentship, primateship, principalship, priorship, proconsulate, proconsulship, proctorship, professorship, protectorship, public office, rabbinate, receivership, rectorate, rectorship, regency, residency, rulership, sainthood, secretaryship, seigneury, seigniory, senatorship, sinecure, solicitorship, speakership, stewardship, studentship, teachership, thaneship, throne, treasurership, tribuneship, trusteeship, vice-presidency, viceroyship, viziership, wardenship, wardership, womanhood |