Engelsk ordbok

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Engelsk substantiv: structure

1. structure (om gjenstand) a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe structure consisted of a series of arches.
She wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)construction

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkartefact, artifact

Mere spesifikke uttrykkairdock, altar, arcade, arch, area, arena, balance, balcony, balcony, bascule, boarding, body, bowl, bridge, building, building complex, card-house, cardcastle, cardhouse, catchment, coil, colonnade, colonnade, column, complex, corner, counterbalance, cross, deathtrap, defence, defense, defensive structure, divider, door, edifice, entablature, equilibrium, equipoise, erection, establishment, false bottom, floor, fountain, guide, hangar, helix, hill, honeycomb, house of cards, housing, hull, impediment, impedimenta, jungle gym, lamination, landing, landing place, level, living accommodations, lodging, lookout, lookout station, masonry, memorial, monument, mound, observation tower, observatory, obstructer, obstruction, obstructor, offset, partition, pillar, platform, porch, post and lintel, prefab, projection, public works, quoin, repair shed, sail, set-back, setoff, shelter, shipway, shoebox, sign, signboard, slipway, span, spiral, sports stadium, stadium, storey, story, superstructure, supporting structure, tower, transept, trestlework, vaulting, volute, ways, weapons platform, wellhead, whorl, wind tunnel

Omfatter disse spesifikke uttrykkbase, foot, foundation, fundament, groundwork, plate, structural member, substructure, understructure

2. structure (om egenskap) the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningArtists must study the structure of the human body.
The structure of the benzene molecule.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkcomposition, constitution, make-up, makeup, physical composition

Mere spesifikke uttrykkarchitecture, computer architecture, cytoarchitectonics, cytoarchitecture, fabric, framework, infrastructure, substructure

3. structure (om erkjendelse) the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHis lectures have no structure.

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkcognition, knowledge, noesis

Mere spesifikke uttrykkarrangement, form, morphology, organisation, organization, pattern, phrase structure, sentence structure, shape, sound structure, syllable structure, syntax, system, word structure

4. structure (i anatomi) a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningHe has good bone structure.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkbody part

Mere spesifikke uttrykkalveolar bed, apodeme, aster, ball, blade, bodily cavity, bony labyrinth, branchial arch, branchial cleft, bridge, bulb, caliculus, calycle, calyculus, capsule, carina, cartilaginous structure, cauda, cavity, cavum, centromere, chiasm, chiasma, cingulum, concha, convolution, cornu, corona, costa, cytoskeleton, decussation, filament, filum, fold, fundus, funiculus, germ, gill arch, gill bar, gill cleft, gill slit, glans, gyrus, head, head, horny structure, infundibulum, interstice, kinetochore, lacrimal apparatus, landmark, layer, lens nucleus, limbus, membranous labyrinth, neural structure, nucleolar organiser, nucleolar organizer, nucleolus organiser, nucleolus organizer, nucleus, osseous labyrinth, pad, passage, passageway, peristome, plate, plexus, plica, radicle, receptor, rete, rib, root, rotator cuff, skeletal structure, syrinx, tooth, tooth root, tube, tube-shaped structure, unguis, uvea, valve, vascular structure, zona, zone

5. structure (om gruppe) the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningThe social organization of England and America is very different.
Sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family.

Ord med samme betydning (synonymer)social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkscheme, system

Mere spesifikke uttrykkclass structure, feudal system, feudalism, matriarchate, matriarchy, meritocracy, patriarchate, patriarchy, pluralism, segregation, separatism

Tilhører disse spesifikke uttrykkeneform of government, political system

Tilhører disse overordnede uttrykkenesociety

Engelsk verb: structure

1. structure (om endring) give a structure to

Eksempler med tilsvarende betydningI need to structure my days.

AnvendelsesmønsterSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Mindre spesifikke uttrykkcoordinate, organise, organize

Mere spesifikke uttrykkreconstitute, restructure

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