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English noun: archaism

1. archaism (communication) the use of an archaic expression


Broader (hypernym)expression, formulation

Domain category memberscontrol

Domain usage membersabide, acold, adust, air, alienism, ambages, amort, apopemptic, away, backward, base, baseborn, bide, bosom, brainish, brotherly, by chance, caitiff, careful, colored, colored person, commodious, compass, complexion, convenient, corroborant, curtal, dark-skinned, dighted, dowerless, dusky, earth, empiric, empirical, ether, fardel, feebleminded, fire, forth, frore, gildhall, half-witted, heartless, hence, hold, horary, hornpipe, hotheaded, impetuous, impulsive, innocent, leal, madcap, meed, mellow, mellowly, menstruum, meretricious, muchness, mulatto, Negress, octoroon, off, Oriental, oriental person, palfrey, perchance, pibgorn, privily, proportionable, puissant, quadroon, quintessence, scriptural, scrivened, simple, slow-witted, small, sooth, stay, stockhorn, strait, sublime, swart, swarthy, tearaway, the halt, thrown, thrown and twisted, uplifted, verbal, verily, water

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