English dictionary

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English adjective: heroic

1. heroic very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)

SamplesAn epic voyage.
Of heroic proportions.
Heroic sculpture.

Synonymsepic, larger-than-life

Similarbig, large

Antonymslittle, small

2. heroic relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity

SamplesHeroic legends.
The heroic age.

3. heroic having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes

SamplesThe heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy.
Heroic explorers.




4. heroic of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope

SamplesAn expansive lifestyle.
In the grand manner.
Collecting on a grand scale.
Heroic undertakings.

Synonymsexpansive, grand



5. heroic showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort

SamplesMade a last desperate attempt to reach the climber.
The desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war.
They took heroic measures to save his life.


Similarbrave, courageous

Antonymscowardly, fearful

English noun: heroic

1. heroic (communication) a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter

Synonymsheroic meter, heroic verse

Broader (hypernym)epic, epic poem, epos, heroic poem

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