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English adjective: expansive

1. expansive able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion

SamplesExpansive materials.
The expansive force of fire.

Similarcavernous, distensible, erectile, expandable, expandible, expansible, inflatable


2. expansive of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope

SamplesAn expansive lifestyle.
In the grand manner.
Collecting on a grand scale.
Heroic undertakings.

Synonymsgrand, heroic



3. expansive marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur


Domain categorypsychiatry, psychological medicine, psychopathology

Antonymsdysphoric, distressed, unhappy

4. expansive friendly and open and willing to talk

SamplesWine made the guest expansive.


Similarcommunicative, communicatory

Antonymsincommunicative, uncommunicative

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