English dictionary

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English adjective: fearful

1. fearful experiencing or showing fear

SamplesA fearful glance.
Fearful of criticism.


Antonymsfearless, unafraid

2. fearful causing fear or dread or terror

SamplesThe awful war.
An awful risk.
Dire news.
A career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked.
The dread presence of the headmaster.
Polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was.
A dreadful storm.
A fearful howling.
Horrendous explosions shook the city.
A terrible curse.

Synonymsawful, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearsome, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible



3. fearful lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted

SamplesCowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then.


Similarcaitiff, chicken, chickenhearted, craven, dastard, dastardly, faint, faint-hearted, fainthearted, funky, lily-livered, poltroon, poor-spirited, pusillanimous, recreant, timid, unmanly, white-livered, yellow, yellow-bellied

See alsoafraid, ignoble, timid

Attributecowardice, cowardliness

Antonymsbrave, courageous

4. fearful extremely distressing

SamplesFearful slum conditions.
A frightful mistake.




5. fearful timid by nature or revealing timidity

SamplesTimorous little mouse.
In a timorous tone.
Cast fearful glances at the large dog.

Synonymstimorous, trepid



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