English dictionary

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English verb: mark off

1. mark off (change) set boundaries to and delimit

SamplesMark out the territory.

Synonymsmark out

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)bound, confine, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel

2. mark off (cognition) put a check mark on or near or next to

SamplesPlease check each name on the list.
Tick off the items.
Mark off the units.

Synonymscheck, check off, mark, tick, tick off

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)verify

Narrower (hyponym)receipt

Verb groupascertain, assure, check, check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, control, ensure, go over, insure, look into, see, see to it, suss out

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