English dictionary

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English adjective: Chinese

1. Chinese of or pertaining to China or its peoples or cultures

SamplesChinese food.

2. Chinese of or relating to or characteristic of the island republic on Taiwan or its residents or their language

SamplesThe Taiwanese capital is Taipeh.

SynonymsFormosan, Taiwanese

English noun: Chinese

1. Chinese (communication) any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China; regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system

Broader (hypernym)Sinitic, Sinitic language

Narrower (hyponym)Amoy, Beijing dialect, Cantonese, Cantonese dialect, Fukien, Fukkianese, Hakka, Hakka dialect, Hokkianese, Mandarin, Mandarin Chinese, Mandarin dialect, Min, Min dialect, Shanghai dialect, Taiwanese, Wu, Wu dialect, Yue, Yue dialect

Domain regionCathay, China, Communist China, mainland China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red China

2. Chinese (person) a native or inhabitant of Communist China or of Nationalist China

Broader (hypernym)Asian, Asiatic

Narrower (hyponym)Boxer, Chinaman, chink, Hakka, mandarin

Member meronymCathay, China, China, Communist China, mainland China, Nationalist China, People's Republic of China, PRC, Red China, Republic of China, Taiwan

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