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English noun: biological science

1. biological science (cognition) the science that studies living organisms


Broader (hypernym)bioscience, life science

Narrower (hyponym)astrobiology, biogeography, bionomics, botany, cryobiology, cytology, ecology, embryology, environmental science, exobiology, forestry, genetic science, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, morphology, neurobiology, palaeobiology, paleobiology, physiology, phytology, radiobiology, sociobiology, space biology, zoological science, zoology

Domain category membersabaxial, accretion, acephalous, actinomorphic, actinomorphous, activator, adaxial, adnate, affinity, alar, alary, aliform, allopatric, alpine, amphibiotic, analogous, anisogamy, antrorse, apposition, astomatous, bacillar, bacillary, basophilic, bilaterally symmetrical, bilocular, biloculate, binuclear, binucleate, binucleated, biologist, bionomic, bionomical, brachium, caducous, canescent, capitate, cataplasia, cell, cell doctrine, cell theory, cellular, cenogenetic, cernuous, class, coarctation, commensal, compressed, conjugate, connate, copy, culture, cybernetics, decomposition, dehiscence, depressed, development, differentiated, differentiation, dimorphism, diurnal, division, dormant, dorsal, downy, drooping, ecologic, ecological, elan vital, enucleate, epimorphic, evolution, evolutionism, extracellular, facultative, family, female, fissiparous, flat, form, form family, form genus, formative, free-living, generalised, generalized, generic, geniculate, genus, glabrous, growing, growth, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, heterologic, heterological, heterologous, heterology, hibernating, hoary, homogeny, homologic, homological, homologous, in vivo, inhibit, intercellular, intracellular, intussusception, isogamy, isomorphic, isomorphism, isomorphous, isomorphy, katharobic, labile, lasting, lepidote, leprose, life force, life scientist, male, maturation, medium, meme, mental, metamorphous, monad, mononuclear, mononucleate, monotype, monotypic, mouthless, multiparous, multiply, mutant, mutation, myrmecophilous, natural, nocturnal, nodding, nonparasitic, nonsymbiotic, nonterritorial, nuclear, nucleate, nucleated, obligate, ontogenesis, ontogeny, order, organic evolution, organic phenomenon, osmosis, palingenetic, pedunculate, pendulous, persistent, phylogenesis, phylogenetic relation, phylogeny, phylum, pilary, pilose, pilous, pleomorphism, plumate, plumed, plumose, polydactyl, polydactylous, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, procreate, propagate, puberulent, pubescent, putrefaction, race, recognition, regeneration, replicate, reproduce, reproduction, retrorse, rot, rotting, rudimentary, saprobic, scabrous, scaly, scurfy, semiaquatic, semiaquatic, sericeous, sessile, sessile, shed, specialisation, specialization, species, spindle, sport, stabile, stalked, stalkless, stomatous, strain, subaquatic, subaquatic, subaqueous, subclass, subfamily, subgenus, subkingdom, submerged, submersed, suborder, subphylum, subspecies, superclass, superfamily, superorder, superphylum, symbiotic, symbiotically, sympatric, systematic, taxonomic, taxonomical, taxonomy, territorial, tetramerous, theory of evolution, theory of inheritance, theory of organic evolution, thermolabile, tomentose, tomentous, torpid, transform, tribe, trinuclear, trinucleate, trinucleated, turgor, type, type genus, type species, uncus, underwater, uniparous, urceolate, valence, valency, var., variant, variation, variety, vegetate, ventral, ventricose, ventricous, versatile, vestigial, vital force, vitality, weeping, wing-shaped, zygomorphic, zygomorphous

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