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English noun: broom

1. broom (artifact) a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle

Broader (hypernym)cleaning device, cleaning equipment, cleaning implement

Narrower (hyponym)besom, push broom, whisk, whisk broom

Part holonymbroom handle, broomstick

2. broom (plant) any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers

Broader (hypernym)bush, shrub

Narrower (hyponym)broom tree, common broom, Cytisus albus, Cytisus multiflorus, Cytisus scoparius, dyer's greenweed, dyer's-broom, dyeweed, Genista anglica, Genista hispanica, Genista tinctoria, green broom, greenweed, needle furze, petty whin, Scotch broom, Spanish broom, Spanish broom, Spanish gorse, Spartium junceum, weaver's broom, weeping tree broom, whin, white broom, white Spanish broom, woadwaxen, woodwaxen

Member meronymPapilionoideae, subfamily Papilionoideae

3. broom (plant) common Old World heath represented by many varieties; low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere

SynonymsCalluna vulgaris, heather, ling, Scots heather

Broader (hypernym)heath

Member meronymCalluna, genus Calluna

English verb: broom

1. broom (contact) sweep with a broom or as if with a broom

SamplesSweep the crumbs off the table.
Sweep under the bed.


Pattern of useSomething is ----ing PP.
Somebody ----s something.
Something ----s something.
Somebody ----s PP

Broader (hypernym)pass over, wipe

Verb groupsweep

2. broom (contact) finish with a broom

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)finish

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