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English noun: psychiatry

1. psychiatry (cognition) the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders

Synonymspsychological medicine, psychopathology

Broader (hypernym)medical specialty, medicine

Narrower (hyponym)alienism, mental hygiene, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy

Domain category membersacting out, analyse, analyze, anorexia nervosa, anxiety, anxiousness, autism, compensation, confabulate, confabulation, conversion, defence, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense, defense mechanism, defense reaction, denial, displacement, disturbance, echolalia, expansive, folie, idealisation, idealization, intellectualisation, intellectualization, isolation, major depressive episode, mental disorder, mental disturbance, overcompensation, paramnesia, projection, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze, psychological disorder, rationalisation, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repress, repression, resistance, suppress

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