English dictionary

Hint: Question mark (?) is a wildcard. Question mark substitutes one character.

English adjective: open

1. open affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed

SamplesAn open door.
They left the door open.


Similarajar, wide-open

See alsoopen

Antonymsshut, unopen, closed

2. open affording free passage or access

SamplesOpen drains.
The road is open to traffic.
Open ranks.

Similaropened, unstoppered, yawning

See alsoopen, unfastened, unsealed


3. open with no protection or shield

SamplesThe exposed northeast frontier.
Open to the weather.
An open wound.




4. open open to or in view of all

SamplesAn open protest.
An open letter to the editor.



5. open used of mouth or eyes

SamplesKeep your eyes open.
His mouth slightly opened.


Similaragape, agaze, gaping, staring, wide, wide-eyed, yawning

Antonymsshut, closed

6. open not having been filled

SamplesThe job is still open.



7. open accessible to all

SamplesOpen season.
An open economy.



8. open not defended or capable of being defended

SamplesAn open city.
Open to attack.

Synonymsassailable, undefendable, undefended



9. open (of textures) full of small openings or gaps

SamplesAn open texture.
A loose weave.


Similarcoarse, harsh


10. open having no protecting cover or enclosure

SamplesAn open boat.
An open fire.
Open sports cars.



11. open (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints

Domain categorymath, mathematics, maths


12. open not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought

SamplesAn open question.
Our position on this bill is still undecided.
Our lawsuit is still undetermined.

Synonymsundecided, undetermined, unresolved



13. open not sealed or having been unsealed

SamplesThe letter was already open.
The opened package lay on the table.




14. open without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition

SamplesThe clarity and resonance of an open tone.
Her natural and open response.



15. open ready or willing to receive favorably

SamplesReceptive to the proposals.


Similaracceptant, acceptive, admissive, assimilative, hospitable


16. open open and observable; not secret or hidden

SamplesAn overt lie.
Overt hostility.
Overt intelligence gathering.
Open ballots.


Similarbald, barefaced, naked, raw, undisguised, visible

See alsoexplicit, expressed, public, unconcealed


17. open not requiring union membership

SamplesAn open shop employs nonunion workers.



18. open possibly accepting or permitting

SamplesA passage capable of misinterpretation.
Open to interpretation.
An issue open to question.
The time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation.

Synonymscapable, subject


Antonymsinsusceptible, unsusceptible

19. open affording free passage or view

SamplesA clear view.
A clear path to victory.
Open waters.
The open countryside.




20. open openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness

SamplesHis candid eyes.
An open and trusting nature.
A heart-to-heart talk.

Synonymscandid, heart-to-heart

Similarartless, ingenuous

Antonymsartful, disingenuous

21. open ready for business

SamplesThe stores are open.



English noun: open

1. open (location) a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water

SamplesFinally broke out of the forest into the open.


Broader (hypernym)area, country

2. open (location) where the air is unconfined

SamplesHe wanted to get outdoors a little.
The concert was held in the open air.
Camping in the open.

Synonymsopen air, out-of-doors, outdoors

Broader (hypernym)exterior, outside

3. open (event) a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play

Broader (hypernym)tournament, tourney

4. open (cognition) information that has become public

SamplesAll the reports were out in the open.
The facts had been brought to the surface.


Broader (hypernym)general knowledge, public knowledge

English verb: open

1. open (contact) cause to open or to become open

SamplesMary opened the car door.

ExamplesThey want to open the doors

Synonymsopen up

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Narrower (hyponym)breach, break open, click open, gap, jimmy, lance, lever, prise, prize, pry, reopen, unbar, unbolt, uncork, unlock, unseal

Causeopen, open up

Antonymsclose, shut

2. open (social) start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning

SamplesOpen a business.

ExamplesThe business is going to open

Synonymsopen up

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s something

Narrower (hyponym)establish, found, launch, set up

Antonymsclose down, close up, shut down, close, fold

3. open (contact) become open

SamplesThe door opened.

ExamplesThe doors open

Synonymsopen up

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)change state, turn

Narrower (hyponym)fly open, unfasten

Antonymsclose, shut

4. open (social) begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.

SamplesHe opened the meeting with a long speech.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)commence, embark on, start, start up

Narrower (hyponym)call to order, inaugurate


5. open (contact) spread out or open from a closed or folded state

SamplesOpen the map.
Spread your arms.

Synonymsspread, spread out, unfold

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Somebody ----s something PP

Broader (hypernym)undo

Narrower (hyponym)butterfly, divaricate, exfoliate, grass, splay, uncross

Antonymsfold, fold up, turn up

6. open (change) make available

SamplesThis opens up new possibilities.

Synonymsopen up

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)afford, give, yield

Causeopen, open up

7. open (change) become available

SamplesAn opportunity opened up.

Synonymsopen up

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)arise, come up

8. open (stative) have an opening or passage or outlet

SamplesThe bedrooms open into the hall.

Pattern of useSomething is ----ing PP

9. open (competition) make the opening move

SamplesKasparov opened with a standard opening.

Pattern of useSomebody ----s

Broader (hypernym)go, move

Domain categorychess, chess game

10. open (possession) afford access to

SamplesThe door opens to the patio.
The French doors give onto a terrace.

Synonymsafford, give

Pattern of useSomething is ----ing PP

11. open (perception) display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)display, exhibit, expose


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