English dictionary

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English noun: wife

1. wife (person) a married woman; a man's partner in marriage

Synonymsmarried woman

Broader (hypernym)adult female, better half, married person, mate, partner, spouse, woman

Narrower (hyponym)battle-ax, battle-axe, crown princess, first lady, golf widow, homemaker, honest woman, housewife, lady of the house, marchioness, matron, mayoress, missis, missus, old lady, sheika, sheikha, signora, trophy wife, ux., uxor, vicereine, viscountess, woman of the house

Instance hyponymAnne Hathaway, Bathsheba, Catherine, Catherine of Aragon, Hathaway, Rachel, Rebecca, Rebekah, Ruth, Sarah

Antonymshubby, husband, married man

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