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English noun: curve

1. curve (shape) the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes

Synonymscurved shape

Broader (hypernym)line

Narrower (hyponym)arc, arc, arch, bell, bell shape, bell-shaped curve, bend, bow, campana, catenary, closed curve, crenation, crenature, crenel, crenelle, crescent, crook, crotchet, Cupid's bow, envelope, extrados, Gaussian curve, Gaussian shape, gooseneck, helix, hook, intrados, line roulette, meander, normal curve, perversion, quadric, quadric surface, roulette, S-shape, scallop, sinuosity, sinuousness, spiral, spiral, turn, twist, undulation, wave

Antonymsstraight line

2. curve (communication) a line on a graph representing data

Broader (hypernym)line

Narrower (hyponym)regression curve, regression line

Part meronymgraph, graphical record

3. curve (act) a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter

Synonymsbender, breaking ball, curve ball

Broader (hypernym)delivery, pitch

4. curve (attribute) the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface


Broader (hypernym)configuration, conformation, contour, form, shape

Narrower (hyponym)curliness, straightness, waviness

5. curve (artifact) curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)


Broader (hypernym)section, segment

Narrower (hyponym)blind bend, blind curve, elbow, hairpin bend

Part meronymroad, route

Domain categoryriver

English verb: curve

1. curve (motion) turn sharply; change direction abruptly

SamplesThe car cut to the left at the intersection.
The motorbike veered to the right.

Synonymscut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veer

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP

Broader (hypernym)turn

Narrower (hyponym)peel off, yaw

2. curve (stative) extend in curves and turns

SamplesThe road winds around the lake.
The path twisted through the forest.

Synonymstwist, wind

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Something is ----ing PP

Broader (hypernym)be

Narrower (hyponym)circumvolute, snake, spiral

3. curve (motion) form an arch or curve

SamplesHer back arches.
Her hips curve nicely.

Synonymsarc, arch

Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)bend, flex

Narrower (hyponym)camber

4. curve (motion) bend or cause to bend

SamplesHe crooked his index finger.
The road curved sharply.


Pattern of useSomething ----s.
Somebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)bend, flex

Narrower (hyponym)recurve

5. curve (change) form a curl, curve, or kink

SamplesThe cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling.

Synonymscurl, kink

Pattern of useSomething ----s

Broader (hypernym)change surface

Entailbend, deform, flex, turn, twist

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