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English noun: baffle

1. baffle (artifact) a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy

Synonymsbaffle board

Broader (hypernym)plate

Narrower (hyponym)diffuser, diffusor

English verb: baffle

1. baffle (cognition) be a mystery or bewildering to

SamplesThis beats me!.
Got me--I don't know the answer!.
A vexing problem.
This question really stuck me.

ExamplesThe bad news will baffle him, The good news will baffle her, The performance is likely to baffle Sue

Synonymsamaze, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, pose, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex

Pattern of useSomething ----s somebody

Broader (hypernym)bedevil, befuddle, confound, confuse, discombobulate, fox, fuddle, throw

Narrower (hyponym)elude, escape, mix up, riddle, stump

2. baffle (social) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of

SamplesWhat ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge.
Foil your opponent.

Synonymsbilk, cross, foil, frustrate, queer, scotch, spoil, thwart

Pattern of useSomebody ----s something.
Something ----s something

Broader (hypernym)forbid, foreclose, forestall, preclude, prevent

Narrower (hyponym)dash, disappoint, let down, ruin, short-circuit

3. baffle (change) check the emission of (sound)


Pattern of useSomebody ----s something

Broader (hypernym)bound, confine, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel

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