Engelsk ordbog

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Engelsk navneord: athletics

1. athletics (om handling) an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)sport

Mindre specifikke termerdiversion, recreation

Mere specifikke termeraquatics, archery, athletic game, blood sport, contact sport, cycling, equitation, field sport, funambulism, gymnastic exercise, gymnastics, horseback riding, judo, outdoor sport, racing, riding, rock climbing, row, rowing, skating, skiing, sledding, spectator sport, team sport, tightrope walking, track and field, water sport

Indenfor samme emneområdeabseil, at home, average, away, backpack, bandy, bench warmer, birling, bob, bobsled, bout, box, call, call, canoe, carry, coach, curl, cut, daisy cutter, defence, defending, defending team, defense, deficit, disqualified, double-team, down, downfield, downfield, dribble, drive, drop, English, field, figure skate, flip, follow through, foul, free agency, free agent, game plan, handler, hike, home, hurdle, ice skate, in play, ineligible, iron man, ironman, jackknife, jog, kayak, kick, kill, kill, lead, legal, logrolling, loose, luge, man-to-man, manager, most-valuable, mountaineer, offside, offside, offsides, one-on-one, onside, out of play, outclass, overarm, overhand, overhanded, pack, paddle, pass, personal foul, position, possession, press box, prizefight, punt, racket, rappel, ref, referee, referee, regulation time, ride the bench, roller skate, Rollerblade, rope down, round, run, run, save, schuss, scout, scull, seed, series, shadowbox, shoot, shooter, shot, side, sit out, skate, skateboard, ski, ski jump, skin-dive, sled, sleigh, snorkel, spar, spar, speed skate, spread-eagle, start, stroke, submarine, sudden death, surf, surfboard, surge, talent scout, timekeeper, timer, toboggan, toss, tramp, trial, tuck, turn, umpire, underarm, underhand, underhanded, upfield, warm the bench, water ski, windsurf, wipeout, won-lost record

2. athletics (om begivenhed) a contest between athletes

Termer med samme betydning (synonymer)athletic competition, athletic contest

Mindre specifikke termercompetition, contest

Mere specifikke termerdecathlon, hop-step-and-jump, meet, Olympiad, Olympic Games, Olympics, pentathlon, prelim, preliminary, Special Olympics, sports meeting, triple jump, tug-of-war

3. athletics (om handling) participation in sports events as an extracurricular activity

Mindre specifikke termerextracurricular activity

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