| Indenfor samme emneområde | absorb, absorption, abundance, accelerator, acceptor, acetify, acetylate, acetylate, acetylise, acetylise, acetylize, acetylize, acid, acid value, acidic, acidify, actinide series, activity, acyclic, admix, adsorb, alchemise, alchemize, alkalic, alkalify, alkaline, alkalinise, alkalinise, alkalinize, alkalinize, alkalise, alkalize, alkylic, allomerism, alloy, allylic, ammonify, amphiprotic, amphoteric, anhydrous, anticatalyst, aromatic, Arrhenius theory of dissociation, association, atom, atomic mass, atomic theory, atomic weight, atomism, atomist theory, atomistic theory, attenuate, azido, basic, basify, bate, benzylic, bind, bivalent, bound, break down, break up, buffer, build, butylate, cacodylic, calcine, carbocyclic, carbolated, carbonise, carbonize, carbonyl, carbonylic, carboxyl, carboxylate, carboxylic, carburet, carburise, carburize, catabolise, catabolize, catalyse, catalyst, catalyze, chain, chemical action, chemical chain, chemical change, chemical compound, chemical decomposition reaction, chemical group, chemical phenomenon, chemical process, chemical reaction, chemist, clathrate, clean, closed chain, coke, compound, conjugate, conjugate, conjugate, conjugated, conjugated, convert, copolymerise, copolymerize, crack, crack, critical, cyclic, Dalton's law, Dalton's law, Dalton's law of partial pressures, de-iodinating, deaden, decarboxylate, decarboxylate, decompose, decomposition, decomposition reaction, deglycerolise, deglycerolize, demineralise, demineralize, denitrify, deoxidise, deoxidize, desorb, desorb, detoxicate, detoxify, dimorphism, displacement, displacement reaction, dissociate, dissociation, distil, distil, distill, distill, distill, distribution law, divalent, electrolysis, electronegativity, emulsion, equilibrate, equilibrium constant, equilibrium law, esterify, ethereal, etherify, extract, fluorocarbon, formulate, foryml, fractionate, fractionate, free, free, fullerene, glycerolise, glycerolize, group, heavy, Henry's law, hydrated, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, hydrous, imbibition, inactive, include, indicator, indifferent, inert, inhibit, inorganic, iodinating, iodise, iodize, isolate, isomerise, isomerise, isomerize, isomerize, law of chemical equilibrium, law of constant proportion, law of definite proportions, law of equivalent proportions, law of mass action, law of multiple proportions, law of partial pressures, law of reciprocal proportions, liberate, ligate, light, lipophilic, lipotropic, long chain, long-chain molecule, make pure, man-made, membered, Mendeleev's law, mercuric, mercurous, migration, mixture, molecular weight, molecule, monad, monovalent, moonshine, multivalence, multivalency, multivalent, negativity, neutral, nitrate, noncritical, oleophilic, open-chain, organic, organic chemistry, osmosis, Ostwald's theory of indicators, oxidate, oxidise, oxidize, pentavalent, peptise, peptize, periodic law, periodic table, pH, pH scale, pleomorphism, polymerise, polymerise, polymerize, polymerize, polymorphic, polymorphism, polymorphous, polyvalence, polyvalency, polyvalent, preisolate, purify, radical, rarefy, react, reaction, reactive, rectification, reduce, reform, reform, relative atomic mass, relative molecular mass, release, resublime, resuspend, reverse osmosis, reversible, reversibly, rich, ring, saponify, saponify, saturate, saturated, saturation point, scavenge, semisynthetic, sensitiser, sensitizer, sequester, soaking up, solvate, solvate, sorb, state, state of matter, stoichiometry, strip, sublimate, sublimation, sulfurette, sulphurette, supernatant, suspend, synthetic, take up, technical grade, technical-grade, tetravalent, theory of dissociation, theory of electrolytic dissociation, theory of indicators, thoriate, transaminate, transmute, trivalent, univalent, unreactive, unsaturated, valence, valency, valent, volatile, volatilise, volatilize |